Life Lessons


Friday, June 25, 2010


Writing this blog will make me feel like a "crone". An old woman clucking her tongue at the younger generation and their nonsense. In my day Ethel we wouldn't even think of such foolishness! Well, we wouldn't have. At least I wouldn't have, and I have tossed the idea around with a few friends who agree. They work in vastly different fields and have had the same experiences.

I really believe that the way kids were raised in the later 80's to just about the end of the 90's gives them a sense of entitlement. They come into the work force expecting everything, and are willing to do nothing to earn it. Life should be handed to them on a silver platter. They want what those of us who have worked hard for twenty years have, and they want it yesterday. Again, they certainly aren't going to do any work for it, or at least as little as possible.

In the last month we have had four employees quit without notice. Two called right before a shift and said adios. One sent ME a facebook message and I passed the info along to our boss. The last one? She just up and quit, no call no nothing. Three of the four women are 30 or close to it. The last one is just 20, but has a habit of doing this according to her friends. Who does this? A better question might be, who raises people who do this? Where is the sense of responsibility? Even if I won the lottery I would at least make the kiss my butt phone call. I'm so responsible I would probably at least give them a week to get a plan together. I would have enough thought for the other employees anyway, and what I would be putting them through if I just walked out.

I do realize that I was raised to be "uber" responsible. Things that are mine to handle are taken care of, and properly. I have always given a two week notice, and when I work I give it 100 percent. Even on a bad day I'm still giving at least 90. I have paid my dues and now can reap a few benefits because of it, as it should be. I worked my butt off to get where I am, and it was a journey of 20 years. Every job these people whine at me about I have done myself, without the commentary. Well, knowing me there might have been some commentary, but some wit or sarcasm is more likely than whining. I certainly never refused to do it.

So the point of this rant? Just to get it out of my system! My mama didn't raise no slacker, and it's time for y'all to grow the "f" up!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ok, I deleted a comment from one of the employees who left us. I thought if I didn't have to see it I could resist the urge to respond. Now I'm sorry I did. I absolutely understand the spot you were in Stefanie, I have had something similar happen myself so I do get it, yet I took the time to make the phone call. You know how flexible they are, you're a great teacher, they would have worked it out for you to have time to get it together if that's what you needed. You could have called me, you could have called Dustin or Anna. You should have called the daycare the next morning if you couldn't reach anyone that night. As it was I didn't even find your message til the NEXT evening, and knowing what was up we were all worried when you just didn't show. Don't forget, I know this isn't the first time you've bailed on an employer. I didn't use any names in the blog so this wouldn't get personal, well there ya go. Respond if you like, hand to God I wont delete another comment, ever. It was a general commentary, not a personal attack on you.
