Life Lessons


Friday, July 2, 2010


Today my niece Cierra is five years old. For some children/families this is just another ho hum milestone. For our family is is a very special day. My sister and her husband brought CeCe home from Milwaukee WI in Sept of '05 when she was two months old. They were her foster family at first, and then about a year later the adoption went through. Cierra is "special." She was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, a valve problem in her heart, born addicted to coke, possible fetal alcohol too, she honestly looked like one of those babies you see in Ethiopia. Big head, big brown eyes staring at you, scrawny little body. I remember the tiny bottles my sister used to have to feed her every two hours or so. We honestly believe the state gave Tom and Kate a child they thought wouldn't survive.

Cierra's first major surgery came a few weeks after becoming part of our family. Her heart valve was repaired mid Sept, and then she began to thrive. She quickly became a happy CHUBBY baby, with the big brown eyes. People would always stop my sister and comment on the baby. They were, and still are drawn to CeCe. Her second major surgery was this past October, and she came through with flying colors. The specialist list that she has is staggering. The time my sister puts into her care is amazing.

After the last round of tests, CeCe is always having some test or another, one of the myriad of doctors wrote in his notes "severely developmentally delayed". This was extremely upsetting to my sister. Like every mother she understands her child's limits, but continues to hope and help her reach for the stars.

I don't see CeCe as "special." Not in the way it's meant. I don't see her as developmentally delayed, severe or otherwise. I don't see her as challenged, or as one asinine psychologist put it "retarded". (oh yes she DID.....they wont tell me her name) She is just Cierra. She is lovable, bossy, snuggly, demanding, easygoing, infuriating, like any other child. Her limits don't define who she is. Her small gains are amazing, and she teaches you not to take things for granted.

I suppose to my sister who works tirelessly taking care of her health concerns, and making sure that CeCe has every advantage possible it may seem for naught sometimes. It isn't. Kate, every extra therapy you drag her to helps, whether you see it or not. All of it is shaping her into the person she will become. You and Tom give her the love, and every opportunity to be the best CeCe that she can be. What more could any child ask for?

So Happy Fifth Birthday Cierra! You wont know what we're celebrating, you'll just be glad to see those kids who run around with you. Perhaps the pretty wrapping paper will hold your interest for a minute, the gifts wont. That group of people you love is going to sing the song you hate. I hope you don't cry......again. We really aren't trying to torture you, and our singing isn't THAT bad. You'll certainly enjoy the cake!! You are so very special, and Auntie loves you with all her heart.

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