Life Lessons


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Auntie Power

While I love writing my blog, I am not really a fan of reading them. I happened to stumble onto an interesting one today, or at least an interesting tidbit came out of it. I don't want to be a thief so I'll give her the credit.

It was part of a thread I stumbled into about women who are childless by choice. Since I resemble that remark I thought I'd take a peek. I found this acronym. PANK Professional Aunties No Kids. Yep, that's me. I am a PANK, and I'm pretty damn good at it! I am the back up parent, playmate, confidant, cookie maker, egg colorer, pool gamer, rock band singer, uno playing, special time with auntie gal. Who also knows how to bring the heat if she needs to.

I love spending time with Ashlyn, Paul (the artist formerly known as Pablo), Hannah, CeCe, and Caitlin. They are 13,8,6,5 and 4 respectfully. I have enjoyed watching Ashlyn grow up, and it's fascinating to be a part of the woman she will become. The other's are too little to think about those things yet, but we have a good time bashing around together.

I know that to some I, and other's like me, are an anomaly. I love kids, so they can not fathom why I do not yearn for a child of my own. Surely I must know that I am missing out on something? How can my life be complete?? I can't answer for others, just myself. I spend eight straight every day with four and five year olds. So I really don't think I've missed much. Coming home to a quiet house is a blessing I can not describe. When I choose to have children in my life outside of work time, there are five of them just waiting for Auntie to show up. It's all on my terms, and it's fabulous!!

When I was very young, I would say prior to 23 or 24 I did have some pangs about having a child. By the time I was thirty I had decided it pretty much wasn't for me. I would lovingly accept a child if God saw fit to torment me..... and he does have a wicked sense of humor, so I'm thinking when I'm about 44 or so.... but I you wont see me in my 50's trying to turn back time and have a baby! I don't regret the choice, and I'm pretty sure the fabulous five will be my pals til the end of my time on this earth.

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