Life Lessons


Monday, July 12, 2010


Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
~Langston Hughes

When I was a child I spent at least half of my days dreaming. "She's a daydreamer. If she would only pay attention and apply herself she would do so well in class." That statement is written all over my grade school report cards, and if I had a dime for every time my parents said it to me I COULD have been the one paying the electric bill!

I have a few specific recollections about those dreams. First and foremost to become a grown up and control my own destiny. I actually referred to myself as "the star" during part of my formative years, so we'll assume some of those dreams included Hollywood! I know that after seeing the movie "Amy" I wanted to work in an orphanage and I spent a lot of time thinking about that. I also dreamed of being a Nanny from the minute I first saw "The Sound of Music." Being a singer also topped the list for awhile.

Somewhere along the line I guess I lost the ability to really daydream. I am going to assume it was the same time that I just stopped writing. I lost the ability to believe in those dreams, so I just stopped dreaming them. Somewhere I got the idea that they were nonsense, and the stories in my head went quiet. No, I do not hear voices. :) Some people face hard times and they get through them by turning to a dream world and away from reality. I faced them by turning off the dream world and facing the music. Now that I'm learning to balance my world the daydreams are quietly slipping back in.

Today's dreams are mostly of things I'd like to do, places I would like to go, people I would like to see. I get more serious every day about this writing business. Many people view daydreaming as foolish nonsense (Sister Lucy) but they couldn't be more wrong. I believe they help us figure out our destiny, and the way to reach it. Look at the list of things I mentioned in my childhood daydreams. They may not have turned out as a major focus in my life, but I have achieved every one. I have acted, and even won an award for it! I don't work in an orphanage, but honestly a day care center is about as close as you get these days. I was a Nanny for a year the minute I got out of High School, and I have been involved in several singing groups over the years.

So I'm back to staring out windows when I should be paying attention. Sorry Sister Lucy, the trees the wind and the sunny day are beckoning. I would much rather be amongst them in my mind than stuck inside with YOU. hehehe

1 comment:

  1. fortune cookie taped to my laptop:
    "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it."

    Dream away, Jones =)
