Life Lessons


Saturday, July 3, 2010


Here's to new friends! *clink of beer bottles* Yes, Skippy came over and joined us after his shift was over last night. Bought us a round of beer, and I even drank mine (gag) to be polite. Dang I hate that stuff. It was a gorgeous night on the outdoor patio of The Shack.

I finished up with Cierra's birthday party around 8pm, and arriving home I found myself to be very crabby and restless. Probably because I had missed my Friday night date with the girls. I put my belongings away, changed into some comfy shorts and was about to get settled with the Tudors on the television when my phone beeped. Text message from Lisa! Hmmmm I wonder where they have ended up tonight? Text reads "Skippy misses you." Ha, I'm sure. I was surprised they were still at The Shack. Kerri and Lisa usually have happy hour with me and then move along to other commitments, or other bars as the case may be. Now that summer is here, I fully intend to move along with them. The brown eyed man, whom I've seen an awful lot of lately, is busy at the races on Friday nights until fall.

So I put my fancy duds back on and headed over for a late happy hour. I could tell by the texts coming in that "happy" was an understatement for the gals. They had been there since five, and it was a promo night so there were contests, free glasses, etc. I could hear Kerri laughing when I got out of my car........

I made my way over to the table on the deck and was informed that Skippy would be joining us as soon as he was done. I chalked that up to some drunken nonsense and went inside to get myself a margarita. The bar was fairly empty, and no Skippy. I figured he had escaped out of a back door. So I ask John, the bartender....funny that we have no nickname for him... if PHIL was still working. "Yeah, he's around here somewhere." Then he came around the corner all smiles. "Hiya Skippy!" He confirmed that he would be joining us shortly, and I snagged my margarita and headed back to the patio.

So Skippy joined us, and ordered a round. We spent at least the next hour getting to know a little about him. He regaled us with hilarious stories about the women who come in there, and the propositions he gets. No wonder he blanched when we asked his name! At least we know we aren't the worst thing that crosses his path in a week, and we also found out that we are known as his "Friday night girls!" Plus, he seems to like the nickname. So we can keep using it (like anyone would stop anyway) without offending him.

So everyone raise a glass to my new friend Skippy! Sorry ladies, he appears to be very "taken". I must say, his girlfriend is a lucky lady. This young man (25 or so) appears to have a very good head on his shoulders...... and a pedal bike, that will probably have a white basket and a horn to go with it by next Friday. :)

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