Life Lessons


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My Grandma Lenihan's birthday would have been last week. I have to pause a moment to do the math, but I believe she would be 114 years old. As it was, she lived to be 94, dying just a week or two after that birthday.

I happened to be channel flipping while dinner was on the grill Saturday night and came across the Lawrence Welk Show. It always makes me think of Grandma. She stayed with us every weekend from the time I was very small until the year before she died. We had to watch that damn show every Saturday night at 6pm, no matter what. When we were little the three of us would turn the lights off and spin around the room. When I was older I would disappear until 8pm when Love Boat came on.

For whatever reason, I used to get so angry about that show having to be on. I never disrespected my Grandmother, but my Mom got an ear full to be sure, and probably on a weekly basis. At least a really good eye roll and a SIGH before I disappeared into my room to crank some Def Leppard.

One night a few years ago, I was babysitting Ashlyn, Hannah, and Caitlin, and happened to come across the show on PBS. I was excited to share the experience with my little nieces so we flipped off the lights and spun around the room in the dark to the champagne music. The little ones loved it, the older one rolled her eyes, and I was reminded again that spinning is NOT a good idea. Each passing year the motion sickness gets a little worse.

Leon came into the house, walked into the living room, took one look at the TV and asked if I was trying to kill him. The clarinet guy was playing. You know the one, he has the black square glasses! I explained about Grandmas birthday, and kind of choked out that I would just like to watch it for a few minutes. "Awwww, baby, it's o.k. You can watch it." was his sweet reply.

Just then the show switched to a choir that started to sing "How Great Thou Art" and I about came unglued. I started yelling, "Change the channel, oh God! Change the channel!" Yep, there's that look again, my crazy must be showing. I murmured something about them playing it at her funeral. What I didn't say, and probably should have was that it was played at all of their funerals. It's a Catholic favorite, and I can't bear to listen to it. So my little moment of tribute ended on a bad note, but for a few minutes I remembered, and shared a moment with Grandma across the Great Divide.

Happy Birthday Grandma. You were never really big on celebrating it, so I'll just sing you a song. You used to love to listen to me sing.

"Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams to you. Here's a wish, and a prayer that all your dreams come true. And now til we meet again. Adios, Au Revoir, Avedersein....... good night."


  1. Oh My...that brings back memories. My grandma would always watch it. Sometimes I would go and visit her at the nursing home on Saturday evenings and find her watching it. I catch my parents watching it when I come and visit. I have to tell them to stop because they are not that old yet!!

  2. Oh yes, I do remember when you had us all watch the PBS shows.
    I remember that I would always watch them at 5pm at Grandma Ruthie's house while dinner was cooking. It was usually Between the Lions or Dragon Tales-those were my favorites!
    This makes me remember all of the times that I would sit down next to grandma in her recliner and we would watch Wheel of Fortune. I don't remember why I would sit there and watch it with her, probably just because I wanted to sit by her because I never found that show interesting. But then again I was only 3 or 4 when we would watch that together so I really didn't understand it either :)

  3. @Sara: Yes, they are. lol It's the music our parents grew up with! It's the music my parents tortured me with until I was old enough to get my own radio. Thank God your sister and Vicki had older siblings or I would never have found rock and roll!
    @Ash: You were "Randma Ruffie's" little shadow, so that's why you were there. Wherever "Randma" was you weren't ever far behind. ;) When we spend a few days together at the end of the year we'll have to turn off the lights and spin!

  4. p.s. Sara, why are you following me twice? Are you stalking me????? :)

  5. I don't know why I am on here twice and I can't seem to find out where to delete one of them. I guess I'm not that good at stalking if you know it is me :-) I have the curse of knowing classical music. My parents listened to in the car on road trips. I remember my 5th grade teacher had some classical music on while taking a test and I knew the piece and composer. She was very impressed that I knew it and complimented my parents.
