Life Lessons


Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh Hell, It's My Cell.

I have a love/hate relationship with my cell phone. Three years have gone by since my first cell phone purchase, and I confess, I'm still using the original cheap cell phone. I hate change in any form, so "new every two," just doesn't appeal to me. Hooking myself into a two year contract with any company for anything doesn't float my boat either. I like my company, but if something goes wrong I don't want to be stuck.

I struggled against the cell phone craze because in my opinion, people just don't need to be able to get a hold of me every minute of every day. When I started dating David and was driving up to Two Harbors every weekend, he and my sister Kate talked me into getting one. Kate was concerned about roadside safety, but I'm pretty sure David's motives ran more along the lines of having to know where I was every minute of my life.

I am more connected to my cell phone than I intended, or wanted to be. I really think that the cell phone companies have turned us into a community of Pavlovian dogs. When the phone rings, or the bell for a text sounds most people, myself included, jump for the phone. I don't like it. In many situations it's down right rude.

The think I love about having a cell is the basically the same thing that I hate. (yes I'm aware that I have problems) I like being connected. My sister has had very serious health issues and I have a desperate need to keep contact with her. Even more so since CeCe has come into their lives. I don't need to spend hour upon hour speaking with her, I just feel very unsettled if I am somewhere that she can't reach me, or vise versa.

The day I arranged a trip to the library to get books for my class ( I really did go to the library) during my planning time, solely because I had forgotten my cell phone and wanted to swing by home and grab it, I knew I had a problem. I couldn't even tell you what was so important, and I only worked until noon that day as it was!

Whenever I spend a weekend in the country my cell phone goes dead. I start out with two or three bars and shortly after I arrive the phone is dead. Friday night I forgot the phone in my car. Saturday am was gorgeous and I wandered out with a cup of pecan coffee and the worlds best dog to rescue it, expecting the phone to be dead. To my surprise there were still two bars left. I put it back in my purse in the living room and went on about my day. Roughly three hours passed and I went to give my sister a call. Dead phone! Seriously? Ok.... The phone was in my car in the country all night long. The cell spends a lot of time in my purse and it doesn't just go dead. I'm starting to think the house is a cell battery Bermuda triangle!

So Friday night during my near panic attack when I realized the phone was in the car, Leon offered to go out in to the dark country night to retrieve it. My car is parked away from the house and i would most certainly take a spill in the dark trying to get to it. He looked at me in this way he has and said, "Why do you need it so badly?" The healthy person inside me was asking the same question. The answer? I didn't. I remembered that Kate has HIS number. ;)

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