Life Lessons


Sunday, June 6, 2010


It has been some time since my last blog. I've been busy living my life instead of writing about it, which is a good thing. It's nice to feel the need to write again, as for so many years it was missing. I have a lot to share, probably a case of too much to say rather than writers block.

I feel like I'm going through some kind of metamorphosis. The focus of my life is truly resettling on ME. People who think they know me are wondering at that statement. On the surface I can appear to be all about me, hence the moniker "queenie" that I picked up at an early age. While I am all about self preservation, my focus tends to be on men, or whatever relationship I am in at the given time. Well, that's done.

So I've renamed the blog to give myself a bigger world to comment on! As many of you know, I love to comment on anything and everything that's going on. Rarely do I not have an opinion, and it's even rarer that I keep it to myself. This does get me in trouble on occasion, and then Ruthie's voice rings loud and clear in my head. "That mouth of yours is going to get you in big trouble some day young lady." Heh, she was right..... but it is always OH so worth it!

While I will still continue the saga of my internet dating history, I want to talk about so much more! So this is now "The Queen's Corner", my own little stage on which to pontificate. Ok, it always was, but now it has a better title! I so wanted to call it "Random Sarcasm", but that already belongs ( and rightly so) to Darrin. I'm many things, but no thief. Although sarcasm is my specialty!

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