Life Lessons


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ninja Kitty Part Two

On Wednesday at work, I was discussing Ninja Kitty's antics with Dr. Miller.  I hadn't seen her in over a week, probably because the weather was rainy and cold, but we were trying to devise some way of keeping her off the window sills.  He was going to be bringing in some chicken wire to block our pet pigeons out of the gap between the buildings (man are those things filthy) and thought maybe if I put a piece down on the sills she wouldn't like the feel of it and would stay off of them.  Well, it couldn't hurt!

Inevitably that night Milkie had a visitor, and I didn't have the chicken wire yet.  At five a.m. I was awoken to the sounds of Milk going crazy with the living room blind.  I had forgotten to leave that side up in case of a battle.  I grabbed the first thing I could find, a cardigan, and raced out to the living room.  Opening the blinds I see Ninja Kitty stuck to my screen spread eagle once again.  WTF!  So I smack the screen a few times and she jumps down.  However, she immediately runs back up the porch, stares at me a minute and then flings herself three feet through the air to STICK BACK TO MY SCREEN!  She never, at any point, even touched the window sill.  How the crap does she do that?! 

I smacked the screen and yelled a couple of times and she jumped down, at which point I ran for clothes that I could actually run outside in, and a large glass of water to throw at her, because I couldn't think of anything else.  By the time I got back she had vanished.  When I left work on Thursday I had a large piece of screen in my hand, and a plan.  Dr. Miller thought it sounded like it would work, so I set to it the minute I got home.

The chicken wire is currently lodged under the screen, and under the closed window, to hold it in place.  It then does a few accordion folds and is jutting straight out from the window, to prevent her from jumping.  There is no way around it that I can see, and the past two nice nights there have been no Ninja Kitty sightings that I am aware of.  Round two goes to The Queen!  Stay tuned, cause I have a feeling this isn't over. :)

Side Note:  When I got home on Thursday and went to put my plan into action I was immediately foiled by the damn screen.  It would not budge, no matter what.  I looked for slots to push, etc. and couldn't figure a thing.  I sat there for a moment, wondering if I was finished before I began, and with a sigh said aloud, "These are the times when I wish there were a man around."  Then......... I pulled up my big girl panties and dealt with it. :)  I grabbed my little tool box and started picking and pulling til I finally budged it and could see an area to poke at further.  At that point I didn't care if I broke the damn screen, I just needed to be able to handle it myself, and I did.

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