Life Lessons


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ninja Kitty

Almost every morning, at roughly 5 a.m. Milkie has a play date.  The first time it happened she about went through the blinds in the living room, and I woke in a panic thinking someone was trying to break in the front door.  It continued, so I just left the blind on one side open about six inches.  I never learn.

The visits continued, but for whatever reason "outdoor" kitty would run around the building, causing Milkie to race around the apartment like a crazed maniac.  Two of the viewing windows happen to be in my bedroom, so she would periodically thump onto my bed, and/or run across it.  This is still all happening at five in the morning. (If you haven't noticed, she isn't a lightweight, so you're never going to sleep through that.)

Then the same ritual started to occur just after the sun went down, so I began to wonder if it was a stray.  Last week I was curled up on the couch with Milkie, watching TV, when what I thought was someones head appeared in my window.  I jumped, she jumped, and the cat that had jumped up onto the window sill from the front porch, fell off.  Stupid cat.

This past Sunday night the cat appeared in my window again, and he and Milk started to do battle.  Of course there is a closed window between them, but this needs to stop before the windows are open in the summer!  I went for the front door, Milk turned to follow.  I said very sternly, YOU ARE NOT COMING. NO!  So she went back to the battle.  I whipped outside and clapped my hands loudly.  The cat with a ringed tail (So he will now be called Ringo) ran for his life.  Showed him! hmph

Then at five a.m. it was go time.  Milkie was out of control, running from window to window, and then she stopped in my bedroom window and began making a huffing noise and pawing at it.  I hopped out of bed and walked around wondering what the hell.  A cat, NOT Ringo was perched on the fence, about two feet away and to the left.  It must have used it's claws to climb it, that's a five foot high wooden fence.  Little Creep.  I yelled at it, as loud as I dared.  I smacked the window a few times, and all I got was a look that said "Seriously?"  *sigh*  So I tried to go back to bed.......

The pawing and huffing (Milk) continued, and then she raced off to the living room, so I assumed we were taking the battle somewhere else.  *double sigh*  Soon after she came racing back and started pawing with a vengeance.  Then she dropped down on the floor and started jumping up at the window, literally throwing herself at it.  I got out of bed again, with a "What the hell is your problem?" Tossed open the curtain........... and I wish I had a picture of what I saw. 

There was a smallish (prob an older kitten) black furry cat stuck to my screen.  All of her paws were spread eagle, and attached, and there she was.  I'm sure another "What the hell?" escaped my mouth, and I smacked that window right where she was as hard as I could.  She went flying back like they do in that reality show when they are eliminated and attatched to the "rope".  It was hillarious.  She was fine, landed on her feet and sat there staring up at me.  I looked at her little kitty face, with a look that said "Seriously."

Then I sat on the bed and laughed my head off, at five- thirty a.m.  Not much can amuse me at that hour!  Thank God it rained last night and I was able to sleep.  Guess it's time to get a squirt bottle, cause this has to stop.  I mean, I'm glad Milkie has friends, but can't they play in the daytime?  Plus the wrecking the screens thing.  Ugh.  It's always something!  :)

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