Life Lessons


Friday, October 12, 2012


Ey yi yi!  I didn't watch the Vice Presidential debate last night, for two reasons. 

1. Joe Biden
2. Paul Ryan

I seriously can not stand either one of them.  How's that for partisan?

Anyway, from the blow up of facebook posts and Internet media I get the gist of it.  Malarkey, plain and simple.  While it would have been more entertaining than the movie I chose to watch (Brideshead revisited..... I don't recommend it, snooze fest.) it would have made my blood boil.

I did watch the first Presidential debate.  If I am truthful I will say that I have an equal measure of like/dislike for these two men.  So that put me in a pretty good spot to actually listen and watch objectively.  In the spirit of partisan I will say this.  It was nice to be able to listen to an intelligent discussion.  Did I get the answers I was looking for? No.  Did I want to wipe the smirk off of Romney's face? Yes.  Did I think the President needed to grow a pair?  Absolutely.  For the record, he was being polite folks.  I recognized it right away, I do it all the time when I'm trying not to reach out and choke someone who is driving me nuts.  When they kept showing him looking down, I had to chuckle.  The eyes will always out, you must look elsewhere or they will know they are three seconds from death. 

For the first time in my voting life I thought about crossing the aisle.  I asked the Middle Aged Republicans if they thought Romney could fix the economic problem, and never got a straight answer.  I have listened to the man himself and still cant find a straight answer.  I kept wavering, because I know, and knew four years ago, that Obama isn't the answer.  Then Romney hooked up with Ryan, and for me it was "game over."  Although the thought of a President Biden doesn't thrill me, the thought of a President Ryan scares me.  The phrase "Wing Nut" applies, for my Republicans who are reading. :)  They just love that one.

So I slid a little off topic. (shocking)  The debates.  I made it through the first one without to many changes in blood pressure, apart from wanting to shake both of them, for different reasons.  Then it was over and the commentating and critiquing began.  The phrase  "Romney wins points for style and zingers." sent me flying off the couch and into a pacing, ranting, tirade, which ended with me shutting off the television.  I was going to let it fly on Facebook, but I promised myself that I would not play in that political sandbox. (Yes, as in child's play...... for #@$% sake, grow up.) 

Style points and zingers?  Is that truly all "Joe Public" cares about these days?  If that's the case, then you get what you deserve.  Are we really a nation that is all fluff and no substance?  Stop thumbing your nose at each other and work together to solve this problem!  We are in some serious trouble here, and it isn't going to be fixed by "style points and zingers."  Arg.  HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT! 

I wont even link this to Facebook, because I'm not going to debate it.  This is my corner, and my opinion.  :)

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