Life Lessons


Monday, October 14, 2013


Bacon, in my humble opinion, is just about the best thing there is.  (My dog happens to agree!)  Growing up we had bacon and eggs every Sunday morning after church.  My Mom had a strange thing with routine, and we rarely deviated, and never for Sunday morning breakfast!  Everyone got one fried egg, a couple strips of bacon, a piece of buttered toast, and there was usually wine bread or a danish with cherry or lemon filling.  The only choice you had was grapefruit, or no grapefruit.  Sometimes, if you were lucky there would be cantaloupe.  Saturday mornings, were pancakes and sausage.

This could easily turn into a menu of what the Meys family ate every week, because it was that regimented, but that will have to wait for another day.  Today is all about bacon, glorious bacon!

Some years ago someone decided that bacon was very, very bad for you. (rat bastard)  At that time I said "Well, everyone has to die of something.  I choose bacon."

Yesterday we had bacon for breakfast.  It has kind of become our Sunday thing to have a late morning bacon and egg breakfast, and I for one (and the dog) hope that it continues.  This is partly due to the fact that I don't cook this particular breakfast, but mostly because I just love bacon!

Yesterday in a strange turn of quiet Sunday events there was a fire, that had tense moments, but ended alright.  Then shortly after that a plane flew over, with no engine running, and looked like it was heading toward a crash in the backyard trees.  Finally, a few hours later  I almost got creamed by a deer on the way home.  I still can't figure how I missed her.  She didn't miss the truck in the oncoming lane, and I was so close I heard the crunch. *shudder*

So death by fire, airplane crash, or car accident all crossed my path yesterday.  Thank goodness my guardian angel was paying attention.  I still, absolutely choose bacon!

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