Life Lessons


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Adventures With Suet

The menagerie (from my last blog) obviously has to be fed.  We have one seed feeder on the Shepard's hook in the yard, and a suet feeder in the "Blue Jay tree".  Since the woodpecker (Downy) likes suet too, I bought another feeder, and some suet that he is supposed to be especially fond of

Now..........where to put the new feeder?  It has corn in it, which the squirrels would like, and I want to encourage those lil darlin's to dine (and live) down in the valley, away from the house.  The issue (cause in the winter it seems there always is one) was the depth of snow down in the valley.  Anywhere I thought would be good was "off trail", so I asked The Brown Eyed Man to come along and help in case I got into a jam.

Apparently that translates into, "Laugh your ass off and take pictures."

Stuck up to my knees in snow, figuring out which branch would be best.

I finally made a decision, but it took several tries to get unstuck and make my way.  Then I realized that the branch I chose wouldn't be reachable when the snow I was standing on melted (in June) so I had better re-assess.
Jacob arrives to offer his assistance.
Getting stuck wouldn't have been so bad if I had remembered my mittens.  The temps were in the twenties and I had a lot of bird things to carry.  I definitely didn't think that one through.
Stuck up to thighs in snow and it's almost Spring......
If you look behind the lady stuck in the snow you can see the suet feeder hanging from the tree.  At this point my "helper" put the camera away and at least offered some verbal assistance.  So there is no picture of me a few feet forward, having fallen again, sitting on my butt with the dog on my lap.

I think the menagerie will have to survive with one suet feeder until Sprinter (the next season around here) finally gives way to Spring. (June)  Although the creek is high...........we may have a lake instead of a valley.  Oh well.  I like to feed ducks.........

P.S.  At least Downy was at the feeder the next day, so it wasn't fer nuttin.  :)

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