Life Lessons


Friday, March 7, 2014

Drive By Chicken Butt

Before I tell you what I did last night, you need to know two things.

1. When my youngest brother was about eight it became popular to say CHICKEN BUTT when anyone asked you "What?".  This became way overused in our house. WAY over used.  He will still do that to me to this day, and yes, it's just as annoying.

2. Very often when the Brown Eyed Man is doing something that is irritating me he will say "What?".  I finally started saying "Chicken Butt" back to him, to be a little annoying myself.  "I can't believe you "chicken butted" me!" is what I usually hear.

OH, I guess you need to know three things: (p.s. if you have any idea how to resolve this issue, please chime in.)

3.  For the last month or so I can receive a text from the Brown Eyed Man, but I he does not receive any from me.  It says on the Verizon web page that I'm sending them, but I have seen with my own eyes, they aren't getting to his phone.  I have Verizon (older droid), he has AT&T (Galaxy I think).  His phone is newer, but I was able to text him on it before.

Alright then, on to what happened last night.  We were sitting on the couch watching some drivel on the television, (my shows are being preempted by high school hockey.......don't get me started) and we decided to delete each other from our phones and then re-enter the info, thinking maybe that would work.  OH, now I remember, I couldn't get his attention because he was watching racing, and that's why it happened.

"Your number is 218-390......... what are the last four numbers?" I asked, at least three times.  I waived my hand in front of his face, and got the last four digits.  So I sent him a smart ass CHICKEN BUTT text.  Then I'm looking at my texts, and I see that the new text is in there under Brown Eyed Man, but the other texts are in there under another number.  What?? Then it dawns on me.  I have put in 390, and his number is 391.  I have just sent some random person a CHICKEN BUTT.

I was mortified.  When I finished laughing hysterically, I wiped my eyes and sent another text. OMG I am so sorry, I put in the wrong phone number!  We laughed some more when I said, can you imagine getting a drive by CHICKEN BUTT text?!  An hour later I received a reply, "LOL no problem".  Whew.  Someone with a sense of humor.  Then another minute of uncontrollable laughter. 


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