Life Lessons


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gardening Anyone?

Whew!  I am exhausted.  I love to garden, but getting new gardens set up takes a LOT of work!  My plan was just to put in two 4x6 veggie gardens, but I have also dug out an iris bed near the house and am starting a flower garden in the back, on the side of our very steep hill.  There's a section of it that gets overgrown because you can't get in there with a riding mower, so we are going to make it a "formal" garden.  There will be some old rail ties holding it all in on one side and the bottom, but the rest will just be part of the natural hill.

How many of you think at some point I am going to do a terrific slide/roll down said hill while I am trying to dig out this thing?  Well, it almost happened today because I did not have appropriate footwear on.  Old crocs are great if your feet are hot, but they have no grab.  Note to self, keep the tennis shoes on. 

The only thing I planted today are the Spicata bulbs.  There were twenty five, so it was quite a job.  Hopefully the dang squirrels weren't watching.  I would also like to know what the devil happened to my lil spade?  That would have come in handy........  Guess it will go on my shopping list.  That, and more dirt.  The dirt is so sandy and nice by the house.  Of course where I tried to dig out the veggie gardens and the flower bed is fabulous old Superior clay. 
Getting Started

Saturday morning we headed to town for breakfast, lumber, and a couple different kind of bulbs.  The flower garden is going to be mostly perennial.  I smashed my thumb before we even got home with the lumber, The Brown Eyed Man said, "That's a project well begun."
Laying Out Pieces
I played puzzle for awhile, trying to get a feel for how I want the two gardens to go.  They will pretty much be how they are right here, just a bit closer together.  That leaves lots of room for expansion. Somewhere during this part of the project The Man got a big sliver in his thumb.  He said, "That's a project half done."
The Claw
I borrowed the "garden claw" from my brother Jerry, because it's the easiest way I know to rip sod out of the ground.  I started working on that, while The Brown Eyed Man began cutting and putting together the frames. 
Shadow Selfie
When The Man was finished with the frames he took over the sod removal job, and I started filling in spots in the back where sod was needed.  Then we both piled sod in the garden cart to be used in the big mud hole in front.  We still have one more to build, so we should have enough sod to fill that bugger up!  The garden cart has a new wheel, and it rides a little differently than I'm used to.  When I dumped a pile of sod it popped up and caught me in the leg.  I said.......... well, I'm not going to print what I said. :)  Sore and battle scarred, it was a good day!
One Done!

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