Life Lessons


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Deer Slayer

We had a little excitement on Miller Creek the other evening.  The folks were just settling in to watch "Smokey and the Bandit" when, of course, Jacob Barker had to go outside.  He has impeccable timing.  So the movie was paused, and the dog was let out. 

Usually when Jake wants in he gives out a "woof".  Just one, unless I'm not fast enough for his liking.  I wasn't back on the couch two minutes before I heard woof.  I went to the door, but he was laying in the yard looking toward the field, not interested in coming in.  I said "no barking", and went back to the movie.

"Woof.............. woof........................................woof."   I went and looked out the window.  Nothing there, and he didn't want in, so I told him to zip it and went back to the movie.  Maybe another minute passed and he was barking like crazy.

I went outside, but still didn't see anything amiss.  This time, he came over to be let into the house, so in we went.  Maybe another two minutes went by before he went absolutely bonkers.  This time he and The Brown Eyed Man went out to investigate just what the heck was going on.

I took the opportunity to catch up on some WWFriends on my phone, but didn't get far before I heard "JAKE GET BACK" being shouted from somewhere in the yard.  Now, I have mentioned before that when things I love are threatened I tend to react first and think later.  Although my mind was racing,  I knew The Man went out unarmed, and I knew I needed some sort of weapon to defend my boys.

So I jumped up (in my jammies) from the couch, ran to the door, grabbed the ball peen hammer that was sitting in the tote I keep near the door for any tools that make their way into the house, and shot out onto the porch.  Dead silence.  No man, no dog, no noise.   What the hell??!!

I walked out into the yard, calling out "Are you o.k.?", and was met with a "Yeah." from the general direction of the garage.  Then Jake came running around the garage.  I expected he might smell of skunk, but he didn't.  I gave him a few pats, and then The Man came around the garage.  He saw me standing there with the hammer that is almost to heavy to hold, and laughed his head off.  Fine way to treat your defender........

So here's what happened.  Jacob must have had his eye on two deer that were way back in the field in front of the house.  When he and The Man walked closer the deer ran , and Jake took off like a shot after them.  Apparently he was fifty yards out in seconds.  When The Brown Eyed Man yelled "Jake get back here!" the dog screeched to a halt, turned around and came right back, because that's how good he is.

So I ran out in my jammies to defend against some deer, because that's how I roll.  It makes me think of this hillbilly woman I saw on t.v. once.  She was wearing a moo-moo and went running after some folk because, "You upset my goat, and my man!"  I thought it was hilarious, because she put the goat first.  (But I get it.........)

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