Life Lessons


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pitter Patter

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FREAKING KIDDING ME!  I don't usually comment on religion, but since this is aimed in my general direction, I believe it's as good a time as any.

OK, let me breathe before I rant.................

1.  I was raised Catholic, but because of nonsense like this I am not, and haven't been, a practicing Catholic for (lets see, how long since the divorce......) eight years.

2.  I really liked this guy.  (note the past tense)

3.  I can not tell you how many families I have dealt with over the years, easily over 500.  Some people should not be let within 50 feet of a child, let alone be allowed to have one to mess up.

4.  If a woman realizes that motherhood it isn't the path for them, why should they have a child?  Just to end up resenting the kid and send said child into years of therapy?  How good will she feel in her old age when her child hates her?  Not the best basis for a healthy relationship.

5.  So since I have made the decision NOT to have children of my own, I should just crawl under a rock somewhere?  I guess I might as well end it all before I'm 50, since my later years are going to be filled with woe and loneliness. (What a bunch of crap.)

6.  I was married.  I don't talk about it a lot.  I still deal with baggage from the experience, and I can't imagine how screwed up our kids would be.

Yes, I have pets.  Milkie the cat, and Jacob the dog.  They are not my pseudo children. (That's what Goovers are for.)  I love my Milk, and Jake Barker, just like I loved Misty, and Pepper, and Sam.  I haven't totally given up the notion of Foster Parenting, but honestly, I love my life the way it is.

The words HOW DARE YOU, just keep blasting through while I'm writing, because really.  REALLY?  Let me just run right out and get pregnant, because you said so.  Wait........ how many children do you have?  Oh, yeah......... I forgot.

End rant:

However, I do have one more thing to say.  My real concern (besides the Catholic church dragging everyone  women back into the 1950's) is the poor devout Catholic woman who CAN NOT have kids.  What the heck kind of message is this sending her???  Shame is something the Catholic hierarchy understands quite well.  So this should make sense.  Shame on you!  Shame on you for trying to make women feel less.

Real end of rant.  :)   I love hearing the pitter patter of paws in the morning, and I look forward to a lifetime of it.  ♥

P.S.  I'm not past the kid window, but if it happens, it will be because WE decided, not because a man who doesn't have children thinks it's a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with your blog queenie930!! Have children because you want them, not because your religion says you must.
