Life Lessons


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Slice O' Heaven

I keep saying that I feel like an eight year old.  I come in most evenings with at least a little dirt on me, and when I came in the house to get cleaned up for a grad party yesterday I looked just like I did when I was a kid.  Pony tail in my hair, mud from head to toe, bug bites, a little red from the sun, scrapes and bruises on my arms and legs.  I have three skeeter bites on my neck today that are HUGE. 

I guess you could say that I am a "throw yourself into it" kind of gal when it comes to the garden.  I mostly forget to put on my gloves, but I do always remember the  sunscreen!  I'm just so happy to have dirt to play in again!

My brother Jerry has an old bat neighbor lady who always has complaints about one thing or another.  Lately it's the fence that borders their property.  I saw it on Friday, and yes, it has a little bit of a lean to it, but SWEET PETE lady.  You should thank God every day for the neighbors you have in that area!  Some people ain't happy unless they have something to gripe about.  So, long story short, that portion of the fence is being replaced (on the actual property line.......boy is she about to get a nasty surprise, and I don't blame my brother one bit).  Several hosta border that fence line, and my brother didn't want to just chuck them, so his irritation has become my gain!  Yesterday (which was slated as a non gardening day) I spent two hours digging in a new hosta garden under the blue jay tree!

Friday after work I went by their place and he and I dug up 15 hosta and a handful of lily of the valley.  I tried to drive home as fast as I could to beat the rain, but I missed out by about five minutes.  The Brown Eyed Man and I got soaked getting the plants out of the car, then he went inside, and I grabbed my rain coat and planted a peony that came from my brother David's mother in law.  He dropped it at Jerry's earlier that day.  It was looking rough, so I didn't want to wait.  Then, since I was soaked to the skin anyway I set the hosta where I wanted them under the blue jay tree.

The veggies (minus the tomato, the cold wet weather is B.A.D.) are looking great, and we will have green onion from the garden in the potato salad I make for this coming holiday weekend!  I have a few herbs planted too, and a couple container flowers.

The big work has been the rock garden that we are digging out on the hillside.  Slow but steady we are gaining ground.  Picking out perennials has been a lot of fun.  Planting bulbs and roots that don't grow, has not.  I have daylillies, bleeding heart, and some tiger lily that are doing absolutely nothing.  Something I planted, called "Blue" (doncha know I can't find the little planter card) are the only thing coming up, and they are just about two inches.

Ugh.  All this talk about gardening has me itching (literally)  to go and put in another set of green onion, and pop out some more of the big weeds in the flower garden.  Well, maybe later.  I have a date with my new reclining lawn chair, an iced tea, and a book!

I have dreams of a strawberry patch, and an herb garden too.  Last night we sat out back in our adirondak chairs, overlooking the valley, talking about the gardens, and life in general.  To me, it's a little slice of heaven, and there's no where else I would rather be. ♥

Oh, and we also solved the "what the heck is digging that hole under my peony" mystery.

Gotta love the trail cam....... damn chipmunk! 

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