Life Lessons


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton ~ Nov 12, 1815 - October 26 1902

Do you recognize this name?  If you are a woman reading this, you should.

We all recognize the name Susan B. Anthony, who played a huge part in the effort to gain the right to vote for women, but most of us don't recognize Elizabeth, or Lucrecia Mott, who really started the movement.  I encourage you to google them both, and educate yourself!  I honestly don't know much about Lucrecia Mott, but I intend to rectify that shortly!

I also didn't realize that Elizabeth wrote a memoir  "Eighty Years and More", but you can bet it will be in my hot little hands before the week is out, and yes, I am more excited about reading that than the Fifty Shades books.

Otherwise there is this little gem.  "When Clowns Make Laws for Queens.  Selected Papers by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony"  Written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ann D. Gordon   Oh, that is precious, I love it.  I must have it. 

I hope that whoever you are you took/take the time today to exercise your right to vote.  Especially if you are a woman.  My thirty days of thankful day 5 will be tagged to this blog, because I am SO THANKFUL for the women who came before me, who fought so hard, never giving up, to give me this right as a woman! 

It's now up to us as women to continue where they left off, keeping the rights we have gained, and God willing there will be a woman to vote for in the next election!   O.k.  let me amend that one.  A smart, competent woman, who can run this country, to vote for in the next election.  There must be a binder of them out there somewhere........   (ha, sorry, coudn't resist)

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