Life Lessons


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Halloween Re-Cap

(Yes, I know I'm almost a month late with this. :)  I was trying to add the pics with my dial up computer and it was fighting me.  Then life stepped in and it got pushed back.)

Halloween turned out to be an amazing day, just as I had hoped.  About a month ago I checked the holiday to see which day of the week it landed on, so I could start figuring out how I could use some vacation time to enjoy it!  I was certainly not going to work from 8-6 if I could help it!  As I said to a co-worker in the midst of some full moon madness on Halloween morning, "I am SO glad I took this afternoon off.  First of all, I have had it up to here with "crazy". ( Or so I thought, then the real nonsense began......)  Secondly, I am not going to remember sitting at this desk when I'm eighty.  I will remember spending time at the daycare, handing out candy, and seeing my nieces/nephew all dressed up, THAT is what is important."

I know that I have mentioned before that I am not a money driven person.  It only motivates me if it's necessity, which is why I finally had to give up last winter and switch careers.  That has gone really well though, and I fit into this life quite nicely too.  My time and my family are SO much more important to me than work, and I've always felt that way.  As long as I have a roof over my head, and my sister to feed me, it's all good. :)

So I left work at 2:00 and headed over to UCC to read "Franklin's Halloween", sing, and have snack with 4K and Miss Jen.  I brought along some sticky stretchy bugs (the kids get SO much candy) for the kids and that was a hit.  Then I moved over to my old classroom, passed out some sticky bugs, read a few stories and sang "Spooky Spider" with them.  Thanks for having me, Mr. Tom and Miss April!  I have spent just about every Halloween with preschoolers since becoming an adult.  It just wouldn't have been the same without it!

I arrived home a little before four and finished up some preparations for the evening.  Put out pumpkins in the front garden, lit the inside pumpkin and some other candles, got the candy all set.  Then the call came that Paul wasn't coming, so I set aside his bag.  Then I found out Ash wasn't with her sisters, and I set aside her bag.  This was heading south fast, or so I thought.

Cierra arrived at four thirty, and did take her candy from me and put it in her pumpkin.  She was more interested in Milkie, and trying to bum a snack out of me.  Ashlyn arrived on her own as CeCe and Kate were on their way out.  She had her "man friend" in the car, but wasn't brave enough to bring him up to meet two Aunt's.  So she got her bag of candy, and a hug, and away she went........ sigh.....  then it was quiet.  The neighborhood didn't start hopping til a little before six.  I kept looking out the window, and no kids.  When it did start it was a steady stream of trick or treaters, and I do enjoy handing out candy.  You never know which kids who know me are going to pop up at the door!
Tango Tater
Hannah the Good Witch

Dave, Elise, and the little goovers arrived at about six fifteen.  Elise said, "Do you want to come with us?"  "Well, sure, but someone has to hand out candy....." I replied.  David immediately jumped on that, and Elise added, "I'll stay too, because he wont really do it." So in the time it takes to cough they had ditched their children on me for tricks or treats.  Off we went into the dark night,  and it was amazing!

I can only liken it to what you see on television in the sitcom Halloween episodes.  Tons of families walking door to door, kids laughing, neighbors with decorated houses who were happily and eagerly passing out candy.  I have never seen the like.  I know this is an awesome trick-or-treat neighborhood, but I'm usually one of the eager candy passers.  We were out for more than an hour, and I honestly had the best time ever!

So happy I had a chance to share that moment with Nana and Tater!  I know I took Ash once when she was little, but it was my Mom's neighborhood, and it certainly wasn't like that.  Also glad that my brother didn't find my secret "good" candy stash while I was gone.  He ate some of what I told him to stay out of, but I'm smarter than that!

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