Life Lessons


Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty Days of Thankful

Doing this little exercise last year helped me so much.  This year there are so many things that I am thankful for, I just feel like it's to simple, so I'm looking harder, and not going for the easy answer this time.  Like this morning, I had to be at work at 6:45, which I absolutely loathe.  I could have been thankful for my coffee, watching the sunrise, or the fact that I just plain got up this morning, and while I am thankful for all of the above, they're to easy. 

The day continued, and it's going to be a BUSY one.  I am thankful for my job that keeps a roof over my head, and shoes on my feet, but that's to easy.

I'm trying to find something/someone out of the norm to be thankful for.  A lesson learned, or something that makes my heart smile.  I need to stretch my thinking a little farther out there this year. 

Day One I found a note that my baby brother (in his early thirties) stuck on the wall by my computer for a joke.  He always has the power to make me laugh, and for that I was thankful.

For today, day two, it's this:  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the past few weeks I have had a little intern with me at the front desk.  She's six months old, and we work together for a good half hour. (Good thing I have had some serious training, I can, and do my job right with her dangling on my knee.)  This morning when I took her from her Mom she spit up right down the front of my sweater.  (NOT my thankful.)  So I cleaned myself up and we continued on.  A ways into our time together we were chatting about heaven knows what and she looked at my with those big blue eyes, and I thought. "I am truly thankful for you baby."  Which doesn't quite cover it.

What I am thankful for today is that I have had the unique opportunity over the past *ahem*, thirty if you count babysitting, years to have helped raise hundreds of children.  Had I chosen the path of motherhood I would have definitely found another career.  Living my life this way gave me, and still gives me, the opportunity to do more.

I am so glad to see so many of my Facebook friends participating, and I would encourage anyone who reads this to do it too!  We take so many things for granted, and it isn't to "Pollyanna", you can find something to be grateful for every day, even if it's the fact that you just woke up that morning.  It really has the power to change your perspective!

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