Life Lessons


Friday, April 12, 2013

April Snow

If April showers bring May flowers, what does April snow bring??? ( I'm afraid of the answer.)

Here we are, way up nert (that isn't a spelling error, it's a WisCANsin thang.), in the final hours of a winter storm that's been going on for a bit more than 24 hours now.

This was me yesterday gearing up to make the drive to work.

If I appear less than thrilled, I was.

That look, plus several inappropriate words/phrases, were what I wore/used on my way to work, several hours late, today.   Apparently they're only plowing the main emergency routes, so I had to wait until a few cars at least went down my road so I would have a shot at driving in the ruts.  My car is about as low to the ground as you get.  I did get stuck initially, but I just channeled The Brown Eyed Man, "kept the wheels straight", and got myself going.

So you may think this is an odd spring for us, but no.  This is normal.  All the snow had melted, and wham, here we go again.  You might make the statement, "Well, that's got to be it then." No, not at all.  After the long range forecast last night on the news the anchor man told the weather man to go home. :)  We are looking at a possible ice storm Sunday, and another possible event like this later next week.

We ought to be dug out by Memorial weekend......  I have no memory of a May blizzard. (perhaps I've blocked it)

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