Life Lessons


Monday, April 22, 2013

White Out

photo: Elise Meys

So that's what happened last Friday.  Probably the worst storm of the season, with a good fourteen inches of new HEAVY snow.  I know that some places out in the country lost power, but we were lucky in town.

I ended up using more vacation time for a snow morning.  I called at 7:15 and it went like this:

Me: Hey, it's Joanie

Doctor Snowman:  DON'T come in.  The other line is ringing, I'll call you back!

Me: Stunned silence.......  Did the roof fall in or something?  He, lover of all things snow, never says that.  It must be bad out there.

Doctor Miller did call back a bit later, the roads were really slick, so we decided that I would just come in once it started to melt.  I actually had more of an issue digging out the car than driving to work, the main roads were melted off by mid morning.  Once again I got a little stuck trying to drive out of my parking spot.  I drove forward a bit, (stuck) backed her up (stuck), then I put on my shades, buckled up, and let her rip!  Voila!  Keep the wheel straight.

My poor friend Bren, from out east, did finally make it to town.  She left her home in the early hours on Thursday morning, and did not arrive here until Friday afternoon.  The story is hilarious, especially the part where she watched her Friday evening plane take off without her. (All her things were on it.)  Hilarious that is, because it didn't happen to me.  Anyway, five of us got together on Friday night, and it was great to catch up, and hear all about her travels. 

Bren and Lisa wanted to know where the "hot spots" are in Superior.  Deb, Kelly, and I just had blank looks on our faces.  They pleaded old age, and I have no clue.  "But you go out!", insisted Bren.  "Ha," I replied. "Five o'clock happy hour on Friday nights.  I'm home in my jammies by seven thirty waiting for Shark Tank to come on."   So they started making plans for Saturday, and I told them to just let me know where they landed and I would catch up. 

I wasn't able to though, I woke up Saturday morning with a migrane, and it continued into the next day.  I did manage to pull myself together enough to meet Bren for a late breakfast on Sunday, and I'm glad I was able to do that.  It's always so nice to sit with old friends and catch up, much more so over coffee face to face, than on the computer.

We are looking at more snow today, so I wish her safe travels to the cities, and a safe flight home!  Maybe next year we'll have coffee out east, you know, where it's spring! :)

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