Life Lessons


Friday, August 1, 2014

Tater Tot

Happy Birthday Tater!!  The littlest Goover is NINE tomorrow!  Time has flown so fast.  Tooooo fast.

This summer I had hoped to have lots of Goover adventures, but Tater had one of her own, and that has curtailed things a bit for now.  She's still her spunky self, just with a new scar, and another story to tell.  When she's all healed up we'll see about a birthday sleepover.

One thing about the youngest ones getting older is that we can play more games!  I really enjoy teaching them how to play different card games.  We learned Skip Bo a couple of weeks ago, and a rematch should be on soon!

 Tater has been a bit confined this summer, so she has turned a lot of attention toward her artwork.  She is absolutely amazing for a nine year old, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her Aunt.  I'm saying that because she is a better artist than I am at forty-four.

Caitlin's art (A Dryad....she'll have to tell me what that is.)

This year Ashlyn and I picked the Goovers up on their last day of school.  We had to wait for Tater to watch the buses go around the "circle" and wave to everyone.  (three times)  Then we headed off to the Ice Cream parlor, and the Library.
Last day of third grade.

Cooking at Auntie's
Hopefully the girls will be able to come over soon and we'll cook up some more delicious treats!  Although I have a sneaky suspicion that Tater is after my "man friend" whom she just loves to pieces.  He thinks she's pretty neat too. Until then, I will go over and visit at their house.  We will have to get a library trip in soon though, I can't renew the books any more. :)  I also wont put the kids in my car til it's fixed.  (hope next week)  Definitely not the summer I had planned, but we'll make the best of it.  Just so thankful that Tater is alright.    

Happy birthday to my Caitibug.  So sorry that you are having a "bummer summer".  We'll try to make up for it when you are all healed up!  Love you to pieces!  I will be over for another Skip Bo challenge soon!

                                                                          ♥ Aunt Joanie

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