Mom's ring |
What I didn't post on facebook was something else that I found. It goes right along with my last blog "TBT", which I found to be kind of eerie........
My last blog was about Christmas lists, and wish books. On Tuesday when I went to find the family information that I needed, I started out in the wrong box. There were some random pictures on top that I looked at for a moment, even though I realized that it wasn't what I was looking for. One of those pictures was of Christmas........maybe 1976? There isn't a year on it. Three cute lil kids on Christmas morning, and HEY! It's a Sit and Spin!
I moved on to the correct box, and for the next hour or so delved in for the information that I needed. I do have all of this on a computer program, but I can't find the start up disk. (ey yi yi......) When I got to the bottom of the archive box there was a folded up piece of paper. This is what was on it.
If you can't quite make it out, this is what it says:
Dear Santa,
I'm writing for three little children who are pretty good most of the time. Their names are Joanie, Jerry, and Katie Meys.
Joanie would like you to bring her a Baby Alive Doll that eats and drinks. She would like a play store also.
Jerry wants a put - put train and a truck.
Katie wants a dolly that cries Mama, and she wants a bed for her doll.
All of the children want a Sit and Spin ( play eerie music here) and a Jimmy Duck. We will be real good children for Christmas. If you can't bring us these toys, please bring us something nice. Thank you.
First of all, the shock of seeing my Mom's familiar writing took me aback. Then reading about the picture I had just found an hour before was down right odd. Oma says she's trying to tell me something. I can't imagine what? It's all about family, and I know that lesson. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
The picture is a little blurry, but there we are. I remember that fake chimney, and there are the Christmas stockings. The ones we used before Mom made all of ours, but that's another story. The Christmas tree would be all a twinkle, just out of the picture on the left. That's where we always had it. Jerry is leaning on the couch with his truck, and other toys. Katie ( cause it wasn't Katy back then) is in the white pj's. That might be her doll on the floor. The doll bed is back by me. Closer to Kate is a shopping cart for my "store", and there in front (obviously) is the Sit and Spin. I did also get Baby Alive. Guess we were good children. Well, marginal anyway. This letter and picture are no longer in random boxes, they are together, in a very special small chest that I keep my "treasures" in. To someday pass along to my real treasures. :)
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