Life Lessons


Monday, September 1, 2014


I had some lofty goals this spring, all of which I think we have achieved!  Except for the fact that the vegetable garden is the single worst garden I've ever had in my life.  Blah.  Very disappointing.  We will be adding some good stuff to the soil, and crossing our fingers for next year.  Hopefully Mother Nature will do her part too.

We did have a good crop of green onion, but they never got very big, and now we are finally enjoying fresh cukes!  The Brown Eyed Man was able to have a couple of meals with fresh beans, and he and I enjoyed a lot of peas as snacks right off the vine.  I already know that next year we will be putting in some trellis and doing pole beans/peas.  Out of all the zuccini and summer squash I planted, ONE plant grew.  It's huge, and has flowers.  If the fall is kind maybe I will get one or two. 

About a month ago the first tomato appeared, and I have watched it daily.  I went to pick it to eat two days ago, and something had bored a hole in it.  #@$%#   I will pick the rest when they are just starting to ripen and put them on the sill. 

This is my new pet.  He is a toad.  I call him HEART ATTACK because that's what happens when I come upon him amongst the cukes. 

This weekends project was to get some cement blocks and put some definition to the top part of my flower garden.
Right before we started working.

Finished view from the top.
 I don't know if I blogged about this before, but we have had some disagreements about how this garden was going to go.  When it was starting to take shape The Brown Eyed Man realized with glee that it would look like a punisher skull if you flew over in a plane.  He calls it the "Punisher Garden", and I call it the "Punish Her" garden.  It has been neat to work on this big project together, even though we don't always see eye to eye on it.
Here you can kind of see how it goes downhill.

The other awesome part about this project was that many of the perennials have been given to us by friends and family!  I am the type of person who will always remember where something came from, so I enjoy looking at the plants for that reason too. 

So obviously he got his way regarding the shape of the garden.  We are NOT, however, planting certain things to look like eyes, nose, etc.  I'm excited for next year when all of the things we've transplanted from other places will really grow up to show how big they can be!  Then I will just fill in with annuals to keep out the weeds.  We do still purposely have some  weeds wild fowers in the garden, because I like them.  Fire weed is even pretty when it blooms.  (freakin fire weed.....)  I would like to think I've gotten rid of all of that, but I know better. 

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