Life Lessons


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Steps

Toward the end of nap time at the daycare today I picked up my yellow writing pad and a pencil. Usually that means a blog is bursting to get out of my head. This time, to my surprise, it was a character in one of the stories forming in my brain trying for her chance in the limelight! Ok then, here we go!

I have known this gal for years, and somewhere in this house there is the start of her novel. It could be with some old writing I have in a box deep in the closet. I thought maybe it was on this computer, but that's a totally different story. Now I'm afraid it was on my old computer. Not really a big deal, I know how it's supposed to go. Actually I know how most of the story goes. Learning how to take the storytelling skills I have and putting them into an actual book is going to be the difficult part.

So I spent about ten minutes sketching out some of the other characters that I didn't really have a good handle on up until today, and the story took on a little more depth in my mind. I guess you could say I have taken the first baby step toward giving her story it's wings! It's very exciting, and at the same time absolutely terrifying. Ah who cares? I know I can do this if I put my mind to it and find a little discipline. If I'm the only one who likes the finished product, well.... so be it. At least I can say that I gave it a try, and it certainly wont be the first (or last) time I've fallen flat. :)

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