Life Lessons


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


When I began writing this blog months ago it was supposed to be kind of an internet dating "How NOT to", tip blog. I shared some stories about my foray into the horror that is online dating, and tried to stick my toes into the murky pool once more. It didn't take too long for me to realize that isn't what I wanted to write about, or what I wanted to do, but I still do have some good stories, and excellent tips to share. I guess if someone could benefit from my mistakes then I should continue to share.

I had to go back and check to see where I was on the tips, and I will review them for you now. They all have stories attached to them, but for that you'll have to go back to the start of the blog and check it out!

1. Meet fairly quickly face to face.
2. Always meet somewhere neutral and very public.
3. Always have an "out".
4. Hold back on the personal info until your gut tells you it's o.k.
5. If his profile says "self employed" 8 chances out of 10 it's really UNemployed.
6. Keep moving if there is no pic posted. That goes for blurry, or far away pics too!

Bringing us to tip number 7! When you find out his last name start sharing it with people you know. In other words, CHECK REFERENCES!

I haven't brought you up to speed with my stories to get you from May 2007- now, but lets just say I LOVE this tip. I'm going to use Leon as an example, because when we met in 2008 he is the first guy I used it on. When I mentioned his last name to a friend her husband brought up the fact that his Mom owned a business with Leon's Mom years prior. I also knew from conversations he and I had that Leon used to work with a guy I know, and who's opinion I trust. Two phone calls were placed, and excellent references were shared. :) They were right, by the way.

If you have any way at all to check "references" use it! My friend Lisa just met this guy a few weeks back. I mentioned to a mutual friend "Ted" that Lisa was seeing "Pablo Valdez". I did not like the look on "Ted's" face, or the way he repeated the name "Pablo Valdez." I looked him deep in the eye and said "Spill it, and spill it now." He was reluctant, but shared the facts that: A. Pablo is very "clingy", and B. Pablo tends to be VERY moody. Coming from a man, those are probably understatements.

So I shared what I knew with Lisa as soon as I could. It turns out she was getting some odd vibes from the guy, and what I told her confirmed what her gut was already screaming. So after two outings it was done. I must tell you that she was with some friends of his a few nights after ending things, and the group was talking about "Pablo Valdez". All of the sudden things got quiet and one of them said to Lisa. "Oh, you're the one." "One what?" "The one who broke Pablo's heart."

Yes, after two meetings she broke his heart. What a gal! Dodged a bullet with that one. One of his pals, who is actually married, can't believe that a woman wouldn't want someone who was "clingy". That might work for some, but definitely not for Lisa. So if anyone out there is looking for a clingy, moody, possible stalker, have I got the guy for you!

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