Life Lessons


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Goover Girls

If I can ever get the picture to LOAD on here, you will see the goover girls. :) It is not the most flattering pic to be sure, but there we are! Ashlyn is the teenager behind me, attempting to not be taller, Caitibug is the littlest on my left and Hannah is the goover with the missing teeth on my right. They belong to my youngest brother David, and his wife Elise.

The name goover comes from last Christmas time, when Caitlin was trying to upset her oldest sister by calling her a goober. It came out "Ashlyn is a goover, Ashlyn is a goover!" Hannah gleefully joined in, so I started calling both little girls "goovers", and it stuck. I have included myself and Ash in the title "Goover Girls", but WE know who the real goovers are!

Yesterday was my last half day Friday of the summer! This means, dear readers that the summer is almost over. I began them Memorial Day weekend and ran them through the end of August. It's nice to have enough vacation to do something like that, and it really doesn't take too much if you just use half days. Who would have thought at the beginning of June that this is probably my last summer working for the Y? After next May there very possibly wont even be a Y daycare in Superior anymore. Twenty five years down the drain, twenty two of them belonging to me. Alas, not the subject of THIS blog.

My half Fridays have been full of fun, family, and relaxing. Only one of them was a bad day, but I'm grateful I was home to handle things, instead of waiting to get out of work to deal with it. The best one was actually the whole Friday I took in June, where my entire family went to the zoo. That needs to be an annual outing! The most fun I think I had was yesterday, on my last day, with the goovers.

For Caitibugs birthday I gave her a picnic set. Real dishes, cups, silverware, and place mats in a pink tote. Perfect for playtime, but able to transition into the real thing if you want, and want she did. "Auntie, when can we go on a picnic?" So the girls packed a picnic and I stopped over at their house after my last half Friday at work. I had bubbles and a bug catcher in tow, and they had the usual picnic fare packed up in the tote. We didn't travel to a local park, they are so crowded at lunch time with the summer lunch program and the park and rec programs. We settled right down on the backyard picnic table. The little goovers helped me set the table and pass out lunch.

So my last half day Friday was spent having a goover picnic! Lots of talking about the new school year coming up, I can't believe they'll all be in school this year. Ashlyn at the high school no less. There was hornet killing, chocolate and pb bugles, soccer challenges, bike riding, bug catching that turned into slug catching, and bubble wars!

The best quote of the afternoon was Hannah's..... "The bubble army is going to ATTACK....your kitten." ♥ Thanks for a great time goover girls!!

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