Life Lessons


Monday, August 30, 2010

My Light

Today my oldest niece turned fourteen. I can hardly believe it! Sometimes it seems like yesterday when I looked into those big blue eyes for the first time. I would run into my Mom's house, where they lived, after I was done with work saying "Where's the baby?" I would hear the colic scream and say "Oh, good-bye baby!" Other times it's hard for me to remember that she ever was that small!

Ashlyn was the first Grandchild and niece on our side of the family. To say she was doted on would be a huge understatement. She was rather rotten between the ages of two and four, probably because of it, but thankfully she grew out of it. That more than likely occurred when her younger sisters started appearing on the scene and she wasn't the "center" anymore. However, people would comment about how she moved between all of us with such ease, and it's true. She was very comfortable being with any one of us, because she new how much she was loved. She is still that way, while the other kids "belong" more to their parents, Ash has always been joint property. :)

Ashlyn knows how much she meant to Grandma Ruthie, they were like two peas in a pod. She knows how much she means to Ti-Ti, because she'll always be Ti-Ti's baby. Uncle Jerry? Well, he puts up a good front, but she knows. :) Aunt Jenny loves her enough for them both anyway. Uncle Tom has probably forgiven her for trying to kick him out of his own wedding....... ( Screams of MY TI-TI and MY WEDDING filling the church) I'm fairly certain she knows I love her, because I tell her all the time, as I do the others. What she doesn't know is this.

Ashlyn Arlene, you are the light of my life. I used to tell you that when you were a baby and a very young toddler all of the time. You know my story, well a good part anyway (you still have to be older for the rest), and times have not always been easy. It was then that I held you, then that I played with you, then that I dragged you kicking and screaming out of Target. :) No matter what hell I was living at the time you were the one bright spot I could hold onto.

It's hard to pick a favorite memory, there are just so many! It's possibly when we took you to the circus. Watching you skip down the sidewalk, holding Uncle Steve's hand, in your navy blue dress, long red ponytail boppin' along. You were so happy and excited, and I was just happy being a part of it! That or when you had the divorce talk with me in Grandma's car, assuring me that I'd be o.k. :) I think you were four. Oh lets not forget when you conned a trip to Santa and then refusing to go near him, and dissed the reindeer, which were in fact real.... Oh, or the time when you were slamming your bedroom door continually at Grandma's in a fit over something. I walked in and heard three or four slams, bellowed "Ashlyn Arlene slam it one more time and I'm coming in there!" and all we hear is the door open and then click shut softly. Surprised to find out I had arrived were you? lol See, just too many to pick from. Remember standing 45 minutes for the hayride? Good times. :) ♫ The man with the hairy scary chest. ♫

Ashlyn is still the light of my life. I love hearing about what she's doing, what she's learning, what she's reading, and what she's writing. Although our personalities are very different we tend to like the same things. We spent two hours just hanging out at Perkins last spring after her orchestra concert. It's wonderful being able to have some grown up talk time, although I've never been anything other than straight with her. Words can not describe the glee I felt watching a young gentleman desperately try to get her attention. You know you like him, you KNOW it. (just kidding)

It has been so exciting and fulfilling to watch her grow, this little red devil child, into a strong, (semi) confident young woman. I'm very blessed to have had a hand in her upbringing. She starts at the High School on Wednesday, and for her shier self I know it has to be tough. I have no worries though, I know she'll do fine. Plus, I am one minute away. ONE MINUTE! :) Two if I get lost in the circle. The point is, no matter what, no matter where, I'm there.

So Happy Birthday my boo-boo bunny, rojo diablo, baby pig nose! No matter what the nickname you are still, and always will be, the light of my life!

All my love, Auntie Pig Nose ♥

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