Life Lessons


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Music is the very heart of my being. It soothes me when I need to be comforted, and instantly picks me up when I'm down. When I was a teen I spent more time sitting on the hi-fi in my room listening to music, singing my aching heart out, and staring out the window than doing anything else. While I like many kinds of music, I'm a rock and roll girl at heart. Country music usually makes me shudder, but there are a few tunes I can deal with. ♫ You and me goin' fishin' in the dark.... ♫ Some of the cross overs are alright.

I love to sing. My Mom used to say that I never cried when I woke up as a baby, rather, I would sing to myself in the crib. I believe it, I'm always singing. I make up songs at work to get me through the day, and give my co-workers a smile. The kids and I listen to classical at nap time, and we listen to the oldies when it's time to wake up. Often you will find us dancing among the nap mats.

I also love to dance. When I am at my worst, and raging at the world I will dance it out. The best song for that is "The Boys Are Back in Town." Why? Heck if I know, but it lets me dance my demons away. Then there's slow dancing. Holding the person you love close. Shoot, I can't even go there right now. My niece is at her first formal dance tonight, and oh the memories that bring up!

I have had a hard time trying to blog lately. I have very exciting news to share, but it has to wait. The world isn't going my way and what I can put into words I shouldn't. The rest is too real if I give it words. I feel stuck and angry, blocked and broken. I got this much out because of music. I didn't seek out the music, I'm in too deep for it at the moment. It found me, and it was county and awful, simply awful, but it fits. Some chick singing on PBS, which is my background noise this evening. This is what she sang:

"Bury me beneath the willow, under the weeping willow tree. So he may know where I am sleeping, and perhaps he'll weep for me."

It was sad and haunting, a broken heart, a lover who walked away uncaring. It was corny and hee-haw, and it struck me down where I stood. Shook me enough to want to get some of this out of me though, and that's a good thing. It got me to sit down and write something, and that's what it's all about. I've heard several writers give the advice to read something every day, and write something every day. Reading I've got covered, no problem. The writing is a little tougher these days.

My favorite of all time? "No Matter What" by Badfinger ♥

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