Life Lessons


Friday, January 20, 2012


Well, I'm not exactly playing hooky today.  I just saw the opportunity to use a vacation day and grabbed onto it with both hands!!  Now if it was only a decent day outside it would be perfect.  It's mighty cold, but I did get together with my sister and head on down to the Walmart.  Oddly enough it didn't really offer any entertainment this time.

What it did offer me was an answer.  Yes, the universe chose to answer my question at The Walmart.  The universe (apparently) isn't picky.  At least not as picky as me.  I believe that we do always get the answers to our questions, or prayers.  Sometimes we just don't hear them, or want to hear them.

If you don't already think I'm nuts, this will probably help you reach that conclusion.  I'm not going to go into any great detail over who Wally is.  That mostly remains unwritten, to deep, to dark, to painful.  However, I will say that when I am mulling something over and ask the universe, or God, if you prefer, for answers they usually come through him.  Now I don't mean that he comes down from the great beyond and has a chat.  What I mean is I will hear something, or see something that pertains to him, and I will know I'm on the right path.

When the whole "Christmas Miracle" blog happened I didn't pray for something in particular.  It was a general "put my feet on the right path" kind of thing.  Right now I'm looking at a path that veers off pretty far to my right.  It seems like the way to go, the trail looks pretty well worn, no visible obstacles.  There's lots of sun, and I can hear the birds singing....... but I'm just not sure.  So I tossed it out at the universe again this morning.  Is that the right path?  Can you just give me a sign?  A little hint?  A little help FOR ONCE?!

I ran into Wally's parents at the Walmart.  I never run into his parents, and I haven't seen his Dad in twenty years.  That seems like a pretty solid yes to me.  I don't really believe in coincidence.  So there you are.  If it's a gigantic mistake, so be it.  It isn't like I've never made one of those before......... :)

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