Life Lessons


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday the Thirteenth

Don't go down to the lake.  I've seen the movie, or at least parts of it.  I know not to go down to the lake!  I never assumed that Happy Hour would be the thing to do me in!

If you are a superstitious person you would probably say that Friday the thirteenth didn't go so well for me.  If you are me you would say that the universe is shifting again, and it just happened to jolt extremely hard yesterday.

It was a stressful day at work and I shot a couple of things out into the universe in frustration.  You guessed it.  That is when the universe decides to listen, and WHAM!  The problem is, I am given options, but not answers.  I am given reminders, but no guidelines.

I made a comment to someone  "Have you sold that house yet?  I am ready to become a kept woman!"  Shortly afterwards he got an offer, countered, and the house sold.  No, I am not kidding.  I'm not really going to become a "kept" woman. :)  That is a little too much leisure for me.  Although being able to devote more time to writing, and working at what I love because I love it, not to pay the bills, would pretty much be heaven.  Plus, he is definitely an amazing man.  So of course it's complicated. :)

I sent another message out to the universe, and received a prompt reply, but that one I'm going to have to hold close to the vest for awhile longer.  Lets just say I took a hard look at some things that need to change, and since I do have a couple of clear goals, it's time to actually do something about it.

So after running around all day like a chicken with her head cut off I was really looking forward to Happy Hour!  That is when things took a very odd turn.  Boomer asked me a question about Brown Eyes' mother's Nigerian husband.  (No, I'm not kidding.)  There is some scuttlebutt going on out in the country involving a web scam, and there's a Nigerian man's pic on it.  She showed me, and I couldn't tell if it was him or not, and while I heard he was finally given clearance to come here, I wasn't sure if he had in fact arrived.  "Well, I'll just text Brown Eyes and ask!  I'm sure he'd like to know if this dude is behind things."  So I sent a text asking if this man was indeed in country now.  My phone immediately starts singing "All the Singles Ladies" by the Chippettes (my weird sense of humor), because that's his ring tone.  We talk for a minute about it, and while he doesn't think the man is here he would like to see the pic.  You're at Happy Hour?  Be right there.

What?  Uh............

At least I didn't have too much time to think about it, because he was indeed right there. Upon examining the photo, no it wast his Nigerian step father, who is fifteen or so years his junior. Brown Eyes probably stayed and visited for a half hour, it was all too surreal for me.  When Boomer got a little carried away with some female business he made a quick escape. :)  We all laughed, and then Boomer said.  "Gee I like him.  He's funny, he should join us more often."  I'm sure the look I shot her was pretty heartbroken.  "Um, HELLO?"  "Oh, yeah..... sorry."

That called for another whiskey coke, which went down way too fast.  Leading to an inebriated shopping trip next door for eggs, butter, and peanut butter and long discussions about types and prices of said peanut butter.  I really wanted to go home after that, but knew that I shouldn't drive, so I changed partners from Boomer (ditched I tell ya) to Sandy and her pal "Lady B" and headed down to V.I.P. to hang out and sober up.

At some point there were three texts between me and #2.  While I enjoy his company, and we did have fun again last Tuesday, my gut is telling me "wait, something isn't right."  My gut isn't wrong, where I go wrong is when I second guess myself and don't listen.  So while I'm not scrapping it yet, the caution flag is out.

Stuck with Lady B is always interesting, in ways I will not share.  Unlike Herself, who will (and did) share every detail of her life, no matter how personal.  I know things I never wanted to know, nor did I ask to know.  Now, I will talk like this with my gals sometimes.  The girl talk can get down right "blue waffle" raunchy.....but they are my girls, she is not.  Do not share things about your "Lady Business" (hence her name) with people you barely know.  It isn't seemly.  As my father would say...... Uncouth. :)

So I wound up back home safe and sound around ten.  Although pretty banged up on the inside.  Nothing happens for weeks, then in the span of a few hours I get pulled six ways to Sunday.  Windows slam shut, doors open, and reality slaps me in the face, hard.  Someday I will tell you that I'm well and truly over it, over him.  Today my friends, is just not that day.

We have two more Friday the thirteenths this year.  I should probably look them up on the calendar, use vacation days, and go hide somewhere..............without my cell phone. :)

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