Life Lessons


Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have started a couple of blogs this week, but then in the end didn't care for them, or didn't want to go down the road they traveled, so I've been pretty quiet.  It isn't that I don't have anything to say ( I know!) it's just that I'm censoring.  I can't tell you how much that irritates me, but for now, that's the way it is.

I need to write, it seems like it's the air I breathe now, and that's a good thing.  Having to pick and choose my words, not so much.  So I thought I would tell you a funny story!

Yesterday at nap time (Why do these children not understand how fabulous it is to take a nap??) I ended up sitting by "the baby" in our class.  He's a new three, and the last one to make it over from toddlerville this semester.  Our class is absolutely bursting from the seams, and that is stressful for the obvious reasons, plus the added physical workload.  So by twelve thirty on Friday I might be a little crabby.  I put "the baby" in a spot where I knew he would monkey around and not fall asleep, because he doesn't take a very good nap.  The later he falls asleep the better.  So while I sat with other children I watched him ding around and reminded him several times to settle down, all the while making my way closer.

There we are, little T, "The Baby" and me.  Little B is staring and grinning at me from across the way.  Something she likes to do at nap time.  Why?  I do not know.  I often tell her to take a picture, it will last longer.  She just grins wider and keeps on staring.   I cover up "The Baby" and tell him to take a good snooze.  He grins at me and makes faces.  I cover little T and remind him to rest quietly, settling myself between the two.  I tell little B to roll over, good night!

 "The Baby" just can got quit goofing around and settle down.  I must mention that he watches "Looney Toons" so he says "What's Up Doc?" a lot, and makes a lot of sound effect noises. I'm starting to get irritated with the nonsense, and I see little B grinning at me again instead of closing her eyes.  I say "Little B, I think my head is going to pop right off!"  All of the sudden, without missing a beat we hear  "DOINK" come out of "The Baby".   I just burst out laughing, right there amongst the sleeping children.  Very cathartic, and when those kids first fall asleep a bomb could go off and not wake them.  Then Miss Jen arrived and I was able to take a much needed break, so that my head would, in fact, stay attached.

My days are many things, but boring is not one of them.  :)

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