Life Lessons


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fish or cut bait

Down at the old fishing pond (of Internet dating) I seem to be cutting the line immediately after baiting my hook.  While I am proud that I am more than able to recognize crazy these days, I can't believe that there are no normal fish, who are looking for more than a hook up in this pond! 

I've had to toss a ton of them back because they were under my legal limit.  I can't help it, I am just not interested in younger men.  I would go a few years younger now, bachelor number two is a little younger, but I want someone who is settled in their life and knows where they are headed.  I didn't date men in their thirties when I was in my thirties, I'm certainly not interested in them now. 

The other night I had several messages from some pretty unbalanced gentlemen.  My phone was going crazy.  I use it to access the site, not from text messages, they certainly don't have my phone number!  My facebook status:  I feel like the belle of the ball..... in an insane asylum!  That pretty much sums it up.

You don't get the label "Bachelor" unless you get face time, except for Bachelor number three who did secure a date, then blew it.  He's a tenacious little fish. He blew it yet again the other day.  Bachelor number two is still around.  He sends me texts every day, texts that HE initiates, but he cancelled a date, and hasn't rescheduled anything.  I'm a little confused, and since I don't need any more "pals", I'm just going to cut the line.  Bachelor number four might be stepping up to the plate..... we will have to stay tuned on that one. 

I actually felt the need to go back to my profile and add this at the end:   I am not looking for a hook-up, so if that is what you're after please don't waste my time, or yours.  I am thinking that they aren't even reading my SHORT (because I know men) profile........ so I might just have to lead with that statement. ;)

I have some other news, and the blog is written, I just have to wait for some clearance to share it!

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