Life Lessons


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Well, today was my last day as a Child Care teacher.  Honestly, I thought it would be a little more bittersweet than it is, which tells me that I'm making the right decision.  The day was super busy/hectic, and I didn't really have time to dwell on the fact that it was my last day.  There were several reminders of why I just don't want to do this anymore, and then some very sweet moments that reminded me why I just love kids, in general.  I'm going back next Thursday to read/sing so I will see them all again soon.

I had some really nice cards and gifts from the parents, even a bouquet of flowers from my little "bug", and a pot luck lunch with the staff.  I'm still too full to eat dinner!  Nice compliments all around, and it felt like a very fitting "retirement".  If only it were!  I will be starting with Lake Superior Chiropractic on Tuesday morning, and while I'm excited to start this new adventure.  I honestly hoped to be taking a small vacation between the two, but timing, the price of an airline ticket, and the I.R.S. who find it amusing to mess with the little preschool teacher who doesn't even make 20,000 a year, have brought a quick end to that plan.  (insert a bad word here)

Lets see......... ah, the bachelors. *shaking my head*  Well, I think I have a get to know you date with Bachelor number four this Sat night.  He fits the criteria, I have been able to do a bit of a "check" on him through mutual acquaintances, and we hit it off pretty well on the phone, so......... we'll see how it goes.  This bachelor business has about worn out my patience.  Although things have settled down now that I have clearly stated "I'm not interested in a hook up" on my profile. *big eye roll*

One odd moment from the week:  My xhub stopped over and while we were chatting he asked if I wanted to go with him and Basil to the Berkebeiner ski race on Saturday.  I said "I can't. I have a date with a stranger."  We laughed about our individual dating dramas, said our good-byes, and I thought, wow.  How far I have come to be just casually chatting with xhub like that.  It is nice that we can be friends, more like family than friends really. 

Looks like we might finally have some snow on the way.  Of course.  I waited with baited breath last winter, and this one, for my first snow day in years.  Plus "spring" is just around the corner.  Why shouldn't we have a blizzard?  :)

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