Life Lessons


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ice Princess x3

Here they are ladies and gentlemen!  Princesses on ice, or goovers on ice, which I prefer.  Another blog last New Years already has that name.  Again I'm behind on the blogging, but sometimes even though the need to write is there, the will is not I guess.  I had the words, just some other stuff rattling around up there mucking up the works.  If I had waited two more seconds to take the picture I would have had all three of the goovers down on the ice. :)

This was my first adventure with the little goovs on skates.  Ashlyn and I have been skating together for years.  They did a really good job!  Hannah, who is eight, skated very well for her third time on skates.  She was slow and cautious and working her way around the edge of the rink near the boards for the most part.  She was able to balance well on her own and didn't fall too many times.

Caitlin, as usual, was another story all together.  If there are any Olympic coaches out there reading this you might want to glom on to this child.  I have some video, but I'm not sure I can hook it onto the blog.  Every time I add mobile posting things go horribly wrong.  Where she is lacking in skill she more than made up for in speed and balance.  We were working hard on slowing down and using two feet to skate.  She skates like she is running, or she skates like she is riding on a scooter.  One foot stays still and the other one pushes her along.  She is six years old, it was her third time on skates, and she was doing laps around the rink.  During the video she got tangled up a bit, did a spin and kept on going without losing her balance.  Twice during Hannah's video she blazes on through.  That child is fearless.  Which I equally admire and fear.

Ashlyn?  Well, she skated around helping her sisters.  She doesn't have friends who ice skate, so she thinks it's nice that they can do this as a family. (the kids)  That's a pretty good attitude for a fifteen year old.  Me?  I didn't have my skates on because I didn't know how much help the goovers were going to need.  Next time I will wear them, but when I do I want to SKATE, forwards, backwards, little bit of a jump cause I still can!  I love to ice skate, but I don't want Caitlin to get any bright ideas.

We are having a very odd winter here.  It was snow covered and freezing last weekend.  We actually tried to go to the Alloueze rink (Franklin) but the lazy (read the story about my stalker in Goovers on Ice) dumb ass who works there didn't bother to shovel.  In his own words to my sister in law "Not my job.  I'm just an underpaid glorified babysitter."   Ha.  Mind you, he probably makes more than I do per hour.  So then we went to east end where they did at least shovel off the hockey rink.  Sorry for the pick marks hockey skaters.  NOT !   This weekend the snow is just about gone, and we are going to be in the forties, so the rinks will all be melting. :(  Glad we went last weekend when we had the chance!

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