Life Lessons


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Get Me To The Greek......Yogurt

Last weekend I finally decided to try some Greek yogurt.  The continual TV hype finally got me curious enough to see just what all the hullabaloo is about.  I guess sometimes commercials do work, though usually not on me.  It must be that damn John Stamos.  During my teen age years his picture was pinned to my wall, black leather....... yep.  I'm sure it was Stamos in those yogurt commercials that got me to finally try it.

I stood in front of all the yogurt, trying to figure out just where the Greek ones were.  Once I had that tackled I had to decide what to buy.  There are two major brands, so I decided to get one of each and see if there was a difference.  Then another lady comes up and starts scooping them by hand fulls into her cart.  "So you like the Greek yogurt?"  Holy cow, did she ever!  I got a three minute infomercial on all the benefits of Greek yogurt, and when she finished and moved on, another lady, who was listening, took her spot and continued.   Yikes!  So one blueberry and one strawberry for me, and away we go.  "You should try pineapple!  It's the best!!"  Not for me sister, I hate pineapple!

So I tried the strawberry when I got home.  My first thought?  That's not a lot of yogurt for a dollar.  My second thought?  This is kind of like eating sour cream with fruit in it.  The texture, not the taste.  My third thought?  That's a weird after taste, and it feels like I have cotton mouth.  John Stamos, I'm not to fond of your brand.  Although it was amazingly filling.  That would be all the protein.  I know this from the infomercial ladies at the grocery store.

This weekend (If I really liked it it wouldn't have taken me this long to try the other one.)  I tried the competition in blueberry.  I still have an issue with the texture, but it didn't leave the aftertaste.  Once again, that bit of yogurt filled me right up.  I'm pretty impressed with that part of it.

I saw Annie eating yogurt at work this week, and asked her about Greek yogurt.  Another enthusiastic response.  She prefers to get the kind that has granola on the top to mix in, so that's what I bought at the store today, from yet another brand of yogurt.  I want to see if that mix can hold me from breakfast til lunch, or maybe be a good mid afternoon snack.  I am going to be putting in some pretty long days with my new job, and it would be nice to have something healthy to have for a quick snack that will hold me until dinner.

While I wouldn't do a crazy infomercial for Greek yogurt in the middle of the grocery store, I do recommend you give it a try!  A very healthy and filling snack.  I would also like to say, that I can not spell yogurt correctly to save my life.  Now that I've written it fifty times in this blog, perhaps I will have a better handle on that too.  :)

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