Life Lessons


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm not sure how the date is going to come out on this one.  It was originally written on February first, because I just needed to write it!  Due to some circumstances I was asked to hold it until now, and while I don't care for  things like that, I respect the person who asked, so there you go.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."  Ecclesiastes 3:1
Or if you prefer, it is set to music by The Byrds.  This song has been running on a continual loop through my brain for the last several weeks.  So here it is, the reason the writing has slowed down.  I'm not going to share all of the things that have been shifting around in this old head of mine, but the result.

I have made the decision to give up my career as a Child Care/Preschool teacher.  It's the first time in my life that I have had to take a hard look at things and make a decision based on money.  That doesn't sit well with me, because it just isn't who I am at heart.  On the other hand, I have goals that I can't meet if I stay in this field.  It isn't a slam on the people I work for, it is the sad fact of my chosen profession.  Parents pay a lot for childcare, but it just doesn't usually trickle down to the people who actually watch your kids. 

This isn't just something that I'm thinking about doing.  I am never a girl without a plan.  Sometime in the near future I will be starting my new job, at the front desk of Lake Superior Chiropractic, here in town.  That doesn't look very exciting to me on paper, but let me tell you, it is.  I have known the folks I will be working for a long time, and I know that it is a good fit for me.

Last week I wanted to take the girls ice skating.  My work days are so busy and hectic that I  had to give their Mom the old, "I will text you after work to let you know how I'm feeling." because chances are to tired, or to crabby would be holding me back.  I didn't manage to get to my girls until Saturday, and that was the deciding factor.  I want to enjoy MY kids.  I don't want to be to crabby or tired to want to play with them.  My new job has Thursdays off.  That will mean Goover Thursdays this summer, and I am very excited about that!!  I can't wait to plan a family zoo day!

Once I am settled into my new routine I hope that I can take my "super powers" and use them for good, in the form of some volunteer work with kids.  Working with children isn't just what I do, it's who I am right down to the core, so I can't turn my back on that.  I'm just going to do a bit of a shift to make life a little better for myself, and hopefully, ultimately, for some children who really need me. 

To everything there is a season, and this chapter of my life is coming to a close.  Bittersweet to be sure, but I'm looking forward to what the next season will bring.


  1. Wow - what a change! Haven't you been early ed/preschool since right out of high school (you nannied in the east coast if I remember)? I feel the same way about spending time with my boys - I'm not trying to climb up the ladder as much anymore, since I want to have the energy to play with them after work. Hurray! Have fun!

  2. You're right. My entire adult life (minus a six month sanity break in '99, when I actually worked for Lake Superior Chiro, I have been in early ed. I was a nanny in Madison, because I'm an idiot. Had to stay close enough to the boyfriend. *rolling my eyes* I wish I had taken that opportunity to have hit the east coast! I did my schooling during that time and then went right to work for the Y when I came back here. It's a change I am looking forward to! :)
