Life Lessons


Friday, February 3, 2012

Bunco Babe

Playing a little bit of catch up with my blog!  This is me last Saturday night.  I went with the girls to play BUNCO.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a dice game.  My Mom used to play in bunco club when I was a teenager, so it kind of made me feel old to be heading out to play bunco.  One difference though, my mother's bunco was not played in a bar, nor did it involve money or drinking.

In my mothers club you won prizes for the most/least bunco's, or the most/least games won, or a bigger prize for the final bunco of the night.  There was  a pot luck involved, but no alcohol.  In bar bunco the prizes are cash, there is a pot luck, and the booze is flowing like a river.  You can pay 20 to drink the whole time, or just start a tab.  Raise your glass and the bartender will be right there to refill.  I, however, did not drink.  I had to pay attention and re-learn the game, so no alcohol could be involved.  Too much stimuli to pay attention sober, let alone tipsy.

I had been avoiding bunco like the plague, for two reasons.  One, it made me feel old.  Two, I wouldn't really know anyone besides Kerri and Lisa and you switch partners every round.  While I am friendly, I don't like it.  I'm not fond of being thrown in with people I don't know.  I never saw Lisa at a table the rest of the night, and I sat with Kerri once in the middle, and the last game.  We did have our delicious pot luck together somewhere in the middle though. 

Over all it was o.k.  I relearned the game quickly, as it isn't complicated, but three plus hours of small talk is a lot for me.  I haven't the patience for it.  Next time I will consume alcohol and probably have a problem getting on and off the big girl bar stools every three-five minutes, but I bet I will be more entertained.

I did get to talk with Wally's sister for a little bit when we happened to play at the same table a few times, but that was frustrating because I would have loved to have had more of a conversation with her. 

Then it was the last round.  I thought maybe I would win for least games won, it wasn't a lucky night.  I thought maybe I would win for least bunco's, because it wasn't a lucky night.  Then somehow I got the last bucno, which is actually the biggest prize!  I won this tshirt, a hat, and sixty dollars!  So all in all not a bad night for five bucks, and some crackers and dip!

I am definitely not going to become an avid bunco player, but it might be fun to go from time to time.  I have to wear this tshirt somewhere!

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