Life Lessons


Monday, January 2, 2012

The Pond

Happy 2012! 

I'm excited to take this year by the horns and see what I can make of it!  This blog is called the pond, it is the place one goes to fish.  Fish for men, I guess.  You know the old saying "There are plenty of fish in the sea."?  Well, that's what this is about.

There are SO many fish, and it's amazing to me how fast I'm weeding my way through them this time.  I look at profiles and find my self actually saying NO out loud.  I'm impressed with how much I've learned and grown over the years since I last tried online dating.  The crazies aren't even getting a first date this time.  Bad for the fans of my dating disaster stories, but good for my sanity.  Although I always laugh about it later....

Kerri is going to kill me when she sees the piece of "sexual chocolate" I tossed back into the pond yesterday.  Too damn young.  I know, but that isn't what I'm looking for.  If I dated him it would be just to see how it felt to date someone ten (yes ten) years younger, not because I thought we had any kind of a future.  But my oh my was he hot.  Nice ego boost to be sure.  ;)  When you date at 42 you do tend to attract the young ones, which honestly creeps me out to no end.  Sorry, I'm no cougar.  Quite the opposite actually.  I'm trying very hard to stick to my own age group.  I suppose I could try a year or two younger, but that's it.

I honestly wonder just what it is that I AM looking for.  I don't think that it's Mr. Right.  I really think it's more Mr. Right Now.  You never know what life has in store for you though.  As I said, I have no plans to change my life around for anything less than spectacular.  The definition of that remains to be seen, but I'll know it when I catch it.  That's the good thing about me.  I know immediately, which is why bachelor #1 ended up back in the pond without a fight from me.

I have a date for drinks with bachelor #2 on Thursday.  Going in again with no preconceived notions, which worked well the last time, even though he wasn't a keeper.

So who hasn't made the cut?   Ey yi yi.  A lesbian, a cross dresser, an old bf, several too young, a few too pushy, one creeper, and a piece of sexual chocolate that I kind of regret..... I'm sure the list will grow, and I'm hopeful that I will also meet a few good people along the way.

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