Life Lessons


Saturday, December 31, 2011


If I'm writing one last blog this year I'd better get moving!  I honestly didn't think I would make it up to see the ball drop in NYC, but this cold hasn't totally kicked my butt.  Just enough to ruin my New Years Eve plans, and end me up home alone, which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place.  Hence the dating adventure.....   So I will give Milkie my midnight kiss, and try to collect on a rain check some other midnight. 

I have nothing to ponder, nothing to preach, no story to tell....... oh, well.  Yeah, did I tell you the one about "Blue Eyes" being a total dud and disappearing into the sunset?  I think I'm just going to start calling them "Bachelor", as in Bachelor#1 etc.  So Bachelor #1 was a dud.  I missed out on meeting Bachelor #2 because of the cold.  As I told a good friend earlier today, "I'm sure we are going to see high bachelor numbers, because I am not going to settle for anything less than spectacular."  He wished me luck with that, and I said "You know what I mean.  I'm not looking for Prince Charming."  I certainly realize he doesn't exist.  What I'm looking for is that connection, and honestly someone worth my time.  Someone who might actually put me first on occasion.  That would be a refreshing change. :) 

I have taken all of 2011 to spend time getting to know myself better.  I really didn't intend to take that much time, but apparently it was needed.  It hasn't been my favorite year...... I'm glad it's leaving.  I'm looking forward to everything that 2012 has to offer.  

The best part of 2011?  Re-connecting with myself, and getting to know some old friends all over again.  ♥Beecharmer you rock. 

Live in the moment!


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