Life Lessons


Sunday, December 4, 2011


It's my younger brother ( by 14 months) birthday today!  It's only fitting to wish him a Happy Birthday, for without him I never would have had my blankie.  Happy Birthday Wing Nut (he loves that)!  You should come and hang out with me and the other Republicans some time. Maybe all three of you together would make sense to me....... but I doubt it.  :)  So I raise my coffee cup to my brother Jerry.   You were born in a snowstorm, and have been roaring ever since.  Love ya man, Happy Birthday!

My Mom actually had to walk behind my dad for two blocks in a snowstorm, while in labor, to get to the highway where a cop car picked them up to take them to the hospital.  He has always been trouble.

Anyway, enough about him.  The green elephant blankie is 41 years old, because it was actually given to my baby brother Jerry when he was born.  No, I didn't steal it.  When my Mom covered him up with the very silky blanket it would slide up over his head during the night.  She didn't care for that, so the blanket was tossed over to me.  I have no recollection of that, but I have no childhood memory without blankie.

I was not allowed to drag my blankie hither and yon.  Mom made me keep it in my bedroom.  Apparently I brought it to Aunt Mary's once and they forgot it, causing much mayhem, so I was never allowed to bring it out of the house again.  This is probably why it's still (barely) in one piece. 

Oh I loved my blankie!  I can still remember running my fingers over the silky ribbon on the edge to fall asleep.  The cool silk sliding between my fingers.  I slept with that blankie until I was eleven years old.  That's junior high folks.  :)  I am not ashamed.  It was my comfort.  We all need to learn to self soothe in some way, and that was mine.  At least it wasn't a wash cloth.  I'm not going to tell who THAT one is aimed at.  She will know, and it's not my sister. 

When I was eight or nine blankie developed a hole, and my mean old mother wouldn't fix it.  So I learned to sew and put on the kitty patch.  My Dad used to joke that he would carry it down the aisle with him when he gave me away.  Well, that didn't get to happen.  Not that I would have let him touch my blankie anyway. :)  But I thought of that on my wedding day(s).  Dad and blankie proudly marching me down the aisle.

I mentioned above that I only used blankie until I was eleven.  Then one day I just decided to fold her up and put her in a drawer.  Over the years I have moved seven times, and I always have had blankie with me, and I always know where she is.  I only see her once or twice a year when I go into that drawer, but I know she's there.

I have a new blankie these days, it's a sweatshirt that I nabbed from my sister years ago.  Her brother in law got it for her in Vegas and it didn't really fit her right.  Well, it didn't fit me either, I'm drowning, but I love it!  I would wear it often, but since Sam has passed I find myself wearing it to bed every night. (I"m still wearing it)  I had to sew a sleeve a few weeks back, and now there's an underarm hole that needs attention.  I'll fix it, because I'm not ready to give up this blankie yet.  No, I don't want to replace it.  Nothing else will feel so soft and cozy! 

So thanks again for the blankie Gerald!  Hope you have a great day!!

Love, your bleeding heart liberal sister. :)

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