Life Lessons


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pay it Forward

Wow...... this afternoon I am humble.  In the last two days I have had so many people take a couple of minutes out of their own day to help me with mine that it is amazing.  Most of them with offers of help that weren't even asked for, and the few people I did ask were more than eager to lend a hand.

I started my day as usual, up with no time to spare, get ready, heat up some coffee, grab the lunch and out the door.  That's where the trouble started.  Two degrees above zero, and a dead car in the garage.  On a warmer day I would have called work laughing and said "Yep, I'll be walking and you'll see me when I get there."  It can't even be a mile from here.  Instead it was, "I'm going to make a few calls and I'll get back to you."  Trying the old stand by's, Steve (no answer) and Kate (I can get ya at 8:30, Tom is working and I have to get CC on the bus.) weren't available, so I thought well.... Darrin does just live two blocks down, but it went to voicemail.  Bah. 

Of course I notice that the phone battery is now showing yellow. (great) I am also freezing my butt off outside.  So I decide to come in, drink the quickly cooling coffee, bundle up a little more, and call work.  I walk in the door, take a swig of said coffee, and my phone rings.  It's a number I don't know.  Oh well, what the heck?  It was Amanda from work.  She had called in to work to say she was running behind, and April told her to swing by and grab me!  "Do you need a ride?"  :)

Yesterday was our Christmas, oh I'm sorry, Holiday Program.  The kids did a fantastic job!  This presented another problem.  Anna (of course because you can ALWAYS count on Anna) told me she would grab me when she was finished with work, bring me to the program, and then take me on over to the Christmas party at Aces afterwards.  So that was covered.  She also brought me home. :)

There was a possibility that I would have to work a little later, so Kate couldn't grab me from work.  CeCe and the dang bus again. :)  Hmmmm.....  so I texted Steve and he said he'd grab me at 4.  Then later in the day it looked like he would be working late and I would be stuck, but when Christy saw me waiting she offered me a ride home.  So thanks to Christy and Mark for getting me home from work.

My brother and I touched base during the day, and this morning he and the artist formerly known as Pablo pushed my car out of the garage and gave it a jump.  He also gave me the jumper cables to keep, and followed me to Walmart where I got a new battery installed.  It was fun to watch Jerry teach Paul about the cables, how they work, and then watching him let Paul take the last ones off.

Paul and I (he's nine) talked about Santa, and before I could even start I got  "You can stop, the jig is up."  I reminded him that "If you do not believe, you do not receive." So then he changed his tune a little. 

My friend Melanie had some issues with the Walmart service center last week, so I was a little nervous, (plus it's Walmart) but it went really smooth, friendly people, and I even got a quote on the tires which is actually do-able once the xmas season is over.  (Please God hear that one.)  I had to wander the Walmart for an hour, and I was terrified.  However, I found that when I'm browsing and people watching, the Walmart is the place to be.  It's when I'm fighting the Walmartians that the trouble starts.

So a big thanks to all of you who helped me get from A to B to C to DEFG yesterday!  I really appreciate it, and I am looking for the opportunity to pay it forward this Christmas season!  I'll blog about the program/evening another time.  First I wanted to say thanks.  OH, how could I forget!?  In twenty years working at the YMCA I never received as much as a Christmas card.  This year I received a Walmart gift card from the owner, and an Ace's card from the director.  A parent that I don't even know paid for our first round of drinks! ( There's an idea for you parents out there who want to show appreciation LOL) So my dinner was paid for, and the Walmart card helped me out of a financial predicament today.  The gifts were nice and much appreciated.  However, knowing that I and my hard work are appreciated is priceless.  :)

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