Life Lessons


Friday, December 30, 2011


I read this quote on a friend's facebook page.  (Thanks Emma!)  It's several of the popular sayings of the day rolled into one, and I like it, so I'm going to share it with you.  It kind of fits with my New Years resolution.

Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain, cherish the moment, ignore the pain, live, laugh, love, forgive& forget life is to short to be living with regrets ♥

While I do remember to live my life along the lines above, I spend too much time on autopilot.  I have a really hard time "living in the moment".  It's a coping mechanism I suppose, and it gets me through the day, that's for sure.  When it's hectic in the classroom it's easy for me to switch to auto and go to my "happy place".  :)  When I want to strangle a co-worker, or another adult who is annoying me, I just slip away instead.

So the only resolution I'm making this year is to work harder at "living in the moment."  I'm going to try and be an active participant in my life, all of it.  So I guess that's fair warning.  If you are acting like an idiot and annoying me, well.... you might just get strangled. :) If you are wondering if that pertains to you, it probably does. 

I had already planned this as my resolution, but after Barb's death this week, I'm all the more determined.  I will not waste one more minute of this life God gave me, not when she, and so many others, have had to leave this world early, without even a chance to fight.

Thank you for reading, and for sticking with me through 2011.  It was a hell of year.  I'm looking forward to 2012!  May you all have a happy and safe New Year's weekend, and LIVE in the moment!

♥ Jo

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