Life Lessons


Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Christmas Spirit

I think it has actually been Christmas "season" since about mid October.  It gets earlier every year, and I for one don't care for it.  We can't even let Thanksgiving be a proper holiday anymore.  Christmas just butts right in and takes over the minute the dishes are done, if not before.  Jen, the kids, and I have been practicing for our "Holiday" program ( Heaven forbid anyone call it a Christmas program) for weeks now, and I think we're all a little sick of it, but those kids know their songs!  They are such a great group that I even wrote one for them called "It's Christmas Time" to the tune of "Sweet Caroline".  ♫ It's Christmas time, ho-ho-ho ♫  I don't stress about the programs any more, because I've learned over the years that no matter what they do they are cute.  I just feel better if they at least know the words (me too....I am usually the one who screws up) so some of them might actually perform for the audience.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I am trying really hard to find, and keep the Christmas spirit.  The spirit of giving, of family, of love, of joy, etc.  Two weeks ago I was seriously considering hum-bugging it again.  The thought of getting into the Christmas boxes, having to see Misty and Pepper's stockings.... my Mom made them, and mine too for that matter.  I thought maybe instead of facing it I would just skip it, til death do us part.  That really isn't me though, and enough is enough.  It didn't kill me to see them, although in the end I couldn't take mine out, or turn one of theirs into Milkie's.  So the rest of the decorations are up, just not the stockings this year.

My little tree, that was my Mom's, is up.  I am still not sure about it.  This time it's the cat, not my delicate sensibilities.  She just will not stop biting the branches.  I see her and yell and she goes to the back of the tree and turns her back to me.  (little shit)  I put a few colored balls on yesterday to see what she would do, and she has left them alone so far.  She also hasn't touched it when it was lit (fried kitty) so that's good.  I may put a few more things on it tonight.

I decided to dedicate more space to the village this year, so I think I'll work on that tonight while I watch "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."  I still love watching the holiday cartoons, no matter how cranky I am.  Funny thing is though, I'm not cranky.  Not at all.  Once I  made this decision a kind of peace has settled over me.  Ok, that may have something to do with having a four day weekend where I just focused on relaxing!  Whatever, I am thankful for it and hope I can keep it for a long while.

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