Life Lessons


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Magic

I had the title for this blog all picked out, and a different story to tell, but something happened last night to change all that.  Yes, I met someone this week.  Yes, we had a date last night to go out for Chinese and look at Christmas lights.  Yes, he's great.....  more than great.  So I was going to write a blog about dating and taking chances, and all that blah, blah, blah, when something else happened.

Last night, hmmm..... a name for him?  Blue eyes will do nicely.  Last night when Blue Eyes left it was probably around twelve thirty.  I shut off the Christmas lights, straightened up a little and headed off to bed.  It was dark in the apartment, but a bright light shone through the bedroom window.  I walked over, moved back the drapes, and was stunned.  There before me was the Christmas star.  Nothing else in the sky, just this brilliant star.  I've never seen anything like it.

Elise sent me a clip about a comet, and that's probably what it was......but in the moment all I could think of was the Christmas Star.  I stood there staring, in stunned silence, for a moment or two, and then I began a wish that turned into a prayer, and for the first time in years I felt my spirit lighten.  That's the only way I can explain it. 

After watching the star for awhile I got ready for bed.  I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and gave Milkie a drink from the sink. (She is so odd.)  When I came back to the bedroom the light was gone.  Strange.  I threw open the drapes again, and the star was still there, but it was just a regular old star in the sky.

I tried the thirty days of thankful to get myself into a better frame of mind and it helped some. I worked hard at Christmas Spirit, and it helped more. I saw the star, prayed straight from my heart, and when I woke up this morning whatever it is that has been dragging me down for years is gone from my soul. Gone. 

So there's my Christmas Magic.  A small miracle actually.  Comet or no, something happened last night that will stay with me always.  I hope that you all have had a very Merry Christmas, and will keep a bit of it's magic in your own hearts for the rest of the new year.

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