Life Lessons


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nod and Smile

~Barbara Jean Goddard Stahl
November 23, 1967 - December 28, 2011

Life always has a way of putting things back into the proper perspective.  The dating woes of "Does he like me?",  "Do I like him?", really don't matter at all in the large picture.  What will be will be.  We can try our best to muddle along, but in the end, what will be will be.

This afternoon I found out that an old friend of mine died yesterday, from a sudden illness.  We worked together in the early nineties at the "Y", and were even roommates from '91-'93.  She is one of two people I've ever shared my space with on a permanent basis, if you don't count family.

Of course, as people do, we lost touch over the years.  I bought my first home, and she started subbing for the school district on a regular basis, so she was done working for the "Y".  We would run into each other from time to time at the store and do the quick catch up.

The things that stuck with me about her over time were her neat freakness, :)  and how much she wanted to be a teacher, and settle down with a husband and family of her own.  She achieved all of those things, and now leaves behind stunned students, a husband and two children.  According to her obituary she was preceded in death by a son.  That I did not know.  It had been quite some time since I had run into her, and we didn't hang out in the same circles.

Strangely enough I saw her three weeks ago when I had my car in at Walmart to replace the battery.  She was in the clothing aisle with her daughter, and I was on the main aisle heading back to pick up my car.  She was busy, I was in a hurry, and while we noticed each other, we just did the "nod and smile".  I see you, you see me, we're both too busy to chat but hey, take care.  You don't think about it in the moment, but I sure regret that today.  You think I would know that lesson by now.  Take a minute, say hello, say good-bye, do not leave things undone or unsaid, do not just assume you will have another chance, because in the end what will be will be.

While I haven't spent time with you in a long time, I will miss you Barb.  I'm glad you found the life you always wanted, and I'm so sorry that you had to leave it.  Rest in peace my friend. ♥

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