Life Lessons


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shhhh it's a Secret!

Last week at work we did Secret Santa.  I can't imagine that there's anyone out there who doesn't know what that is, but for those few of you I will explain.  It's when adults (usually co-workers) get together, pick names secretly, and then leave little gifts for the person whose name you chose during a predetermined time.  Usually starts on a Monday and then ends on a Friday.  The daily gifts are a dollar or so, then ten dollars for the big "reveal" present.  Unless of course you work on Wall Street..... I do not.  :)

So I picked Annie, and she made it difficult, because besides for her fondness of snack food, I don't know her very well.  We had a questionnaire to fill out and she put a lot of sarcastic silly things.  I'm pretty sure if I put booze in her stocking that one, or both of us would have been fired.  The only thing she really wanted for Christmas was Rick. (her husband)  So I loaded her up a bag of AVON for her big present, and then at our Christmas party I had  Rick come up with me and give her a big kiss.  I hunted through my closet for a red bow, but couldn't find one.

I figured out on Wednesday who my Santa was.  When I got to work there was a mostly eaten candy cane on my desk. (Tom) Tom isn't doing the Santa thing, so I deduced that Jen gave Tom a candy cane after she put a PILE (yea!) of them in my stocking, and true to Tom form he left the evidence right on my desk.  She herself confirmed it on Thursday by leaving me pens.  Hmmmm..... there's only ONE person who continually steals my pens.  Unless someone has heard me giving her a hard time about it.........  Then on Friday I got a *drum roll* paper punch!  Yes!  Score!  Jen for sure, I must use hers once a week for something.  In my big gift at the party I got a bailey's mini, an ice hole mini, some candles, and the movie Risky Business.  That is an inside joke, and it was hilarious!!!! 

When we  were kids I would always sneak around and find my presents before Christmas.  I didn't care, it never ruined anything for me.  I was just that much more excited knowing that I'd gotten what I'd asked for.  This is the first year that I've been on my own where I've gotten myself a few things to go under the tree.  I wont let myself touch any of it until Christmas, so it still has a little excitement to it.  I'm not, and never have been really big on the whole surprise thing. 

We've had rain for days and it's finally snowing!  This working on Christmas spirit thing has been going well, I'm hoping for a white Christmas to go with it!!!

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