Life Lessons


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Talking Turkey

Last night happy hour had a different twist!  It was time to make some turkey soup with my sista!  I headed on over with my share of the ingredients, and of course my laundry, for a fun filled evening of soup, talking, dogs, C-biscuit, laughing tears, and wine.  One glass for me, because even though I can tolerate the taste of Zinfandel, something about wine just does not sit well with me.  It makes me "spinny" and "icky" feeling all over.  My sister on the other hand had a couple of glasses, which is always funny to see since she's pretty much a non-drinker. 

I like to amuse myself, so every day my notification ring tone for texts is something different.  Yesterday I had it set to "The Grinch".  It had gone off a few times in my pocket, but I guess she hadn't heard it.  When I went to ladle the finished soup into large storage containers I had set my phone to charge on the counter near where Kate was sitting.  Things were quiet, then all of a sudden ♫ You're a mean one Mr. Grinch♫  I can't (obviously) show you the tone in my sisters voice, but it was definitely a did you just hear that or am I losing it kind of sound.  "Do you hear someone singing?  What is that?"  Now I wanted to reply with "Singing?"  but I couldn't.  I lost it and laughed til I cried.  She's a hoot when she's tipsy. 

Actually she's a hoot when she's sober.  She uses a phrase that drives me nuts. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"  So last night I just said, "No."  Puzzled look from Kate.  Then I continued, "No, I don't understand what you're saying, I'm an idiot, but you're going to say it 20 more times anyway, so I'll catch on eventually."  "Oh, I hate you guys." (How Tom got lumped in there when he wasn't home is beyond me.)  "Oh, are you not talking to me then?"  "Yes I'm still talking to you."  "Damn, I'll have to try harder."

Buddy the puppy is getting so big.  He jumped up on me and laid his head on my chest.  He's a boob man, go figure.  :)  He's going to be a tall boy for sure.  He bosses Sky around like nobodies business, poor Sky.  He never gets to be the boss of anyone, not even Buddy when he was a few weeks old.  Buddy sometimes will try and show dominance with Tom, and he tried it on me when I went to put them outside.  Started the wild barking and jumping, yeah.... we established pretty quickly how that was all going to go.  He's a good dog, and I slapped my hands together and spoke with authoritay (spelled wrong on purpose) "Buddy, get in that house." He moved, quick, in the correct direction.  So dumb, he's not.

In two weeks I have to spend two overnights with "the unholy trio".  In some ways I look forward to it, in most I don't.  I love them all from my own home just fine. :)  Kate is heading back to the cities for her semi-annual angeogram to check on all the clips and coils that make up her brain.  So I will play Mama Auntie while she whoops it up at Abbott Northwestern.  I took the second day off of work so I can recuperate from it.  "Do you understand what I'm saying?"  :)

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